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Thread: Wtf?!

  1. #11
    Xio is offline
    Newbie Xio's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    I'll keep contacting them until I get them back.
    I don't see anything wrong I did.
    Why would I bid for other players if there's a chance that I lose my tokens?

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    I keep contacting with them 24 days so far and still only pointless answers.They wait me to quit and give me all time same answers.I think that they prefer to do this than to check for problems and fix it.I'm sure they will answer you that your internet connection was bad and the fault is not their.Please keep me informed what happened.I think to open topic here for all who have problems with bugs and support not fix them.I am sure that will be long thread.
    Before some time someone tell me that MDKII is good person and can help with problems but i cant see him in forum.Second forum mod can just ask about your moral when you have strange result and spam in Serbian forum

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