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Thread: Focused training at the beginning of the season?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Focused training at the beginning of the season?


    I've started my second season now and I'm pretty ambitious, going for all three trophies (which might **** me over, but we'll see) without token buying.

    I'm facing some more or less serious opponents and I expect it to be the same in the league once this has been generated.
    Now since I've only bought three new players and am trying to wait for a few days until further transfers I've analyzed my previously signed players from last season. There are some which are only a few skill points (3-10) away from getting the next star, making them 3 or 4 star players again. Therefore I'm now wondering if it would make sense to focus their training with the rests I have in order to get them to their higher level as early in the season as possible.

    Is that a useful tactic or rather a waste of rest packs?

    Thanks in advance for the advice.

    Current Level: 2
    [Season 1] League Winner | CL N/A | Cup Qualifying (before joining)
    [Season 2] League Waiting... | CL Playing | Cup Playing

  2. #2
    Dreamer jklm_37's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2013
    I'm going to assume that you mean power training...if so then i can honestly say from experience that if uve got enough energy packs it can work wonders on anyone 18, 21 or can power train other ages but these appear to be the best...

    July Fourth did an excellent piece about power training recently on the forum boards which i found very useful...

    Plus you can't beat playing matches to up a players skill levels...
    Last edited by jklm_37; 06-02-2013 at 03:21 PM.
    JKLM FC...

    L1- L- 4th/C -Prelim's...
    L2- L- 3rd/CL- Winner/C- SF's...
    L3- L- 2nd/CL- QF's/C- QF's...
    L4- L- 1st/CL- (Og)/C- Playoffs...

    W.B.A......BOING BOING!!!...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Awesome. Thanks for the link.
    Current Level: 2
    [Season 1] League Winner | CL N/A | Cup Qualifying (before joining)
    [Season 2] League Waiting... | CL Playing | Cup Playing