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Thread: semi-goodbye

  1. #11
    Apprentice festinator's Avatar
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    Calgary, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by El Pistolero View Post
    I'm gonna be a daddy in the next 2 weeks so when my son comes, I'm off the game.
    Congrats man!

  2. #12
    Dreamer Keith Gaule's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by El Pistolero View Post
    I'm gonna be a daddy in the next 2 weeks so when my son comes, I'm off the game.
    It's the kids drive me to play these things! for a break! Trust me, you'll be running to it to get away from feeds and nappy changes.

    Congrat's btw.

    I don't obsess over games, I've been a gamer for a very long time and know how to manage my time. I only play these days when I have it to spare. I certainly wouldn't be waking up late at night to check this! All you need do is check what time your matches are, have your team set up accordingly, you can do this any time beforehand - you don't need to watch every game, if they're all set to go, then let them at it. Tune in whenever to train them up ...

    My cousin is playing it a few months longer than me, he only ever plays it on his iphone, on breaks at work, or in the evening sat on the sofa watching tv or whatever. That's how he likes it, plain and simple, takes him 5 - 10 minutes a day to keep check on his team. He's level 6 now and has a solid squad. He's never bought tokens either.

  3. #13
    Apprentice sweeper4football's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by El Pistolero View Post
    I'm gonna be a daddy in the next 2 weeks so when my son comes, I'm off the game.

    They do sleep a lot to start with.... Maybe you will have more time on the game!


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