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Thread: need opinion

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2013

    need opinion

    4-5-1v is not effective for me anymore. i need a regular formation. my ML on wrong position dont care about it . he play the best on AML i dont know why. i have bad rating MC ,strong wingers , no AMC . that player with AMC played bad in AMc but good in AMR. slightly good strikers. i havent buy players this season . those are all my last season players. some of those are world class , scout last season .

    here is my team : need opinion-970683_534715209907767_659073548_n.jpg

    i will buy more scout players few days later. mainly MCs. I am token buyers but not big token spender.i need a good formation that works on me.

    Please and Thank You.

  2. #2
    Dreamer jklm_37's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Have you tried putting red arrows on your striker and maybe on your central MC too and seen if uve played any better as a result before changing your formation?...perhaps blue arrows on your LB & RB too?...if not id suggest it...

    I've used a 4 4 2 for nearly two terms now and have found it to be a very strong formation myself...
    JKLM FC...

    L1- L- 4th/C -Prelim's...
    L2- L- 3rd/CL- Winner/C- SF's...
    L3- L- 2nd/CL- QF's/C- QF's...
    L4- L- 1st/CL- (Og)/C- Playoffs...

    W.B.A......BOING BOING!!!...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2013
    what i saw from old posts . red arrow on strikers are nothing. i used the same orders and arrows for 1-2 season(s). and i see it losses effectiveness now.

  4. #4
    Dreamer jklm_37's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Wilson Loo View Post
    what i saw from old posts . red arrow on strikers are nothing. i used the same orders and arrows for 1-2 season(s). and i see it losses effectiveness now.
    Ive always played both my strikers with red me when i say that they are not nothing...again ive always used blue arrows across my whole defence and have only lost 1 in my last 14 games...

    It may be the players coupled with the formation that has caused the lack of effectiveness and not just the formation solely...
    JKLM FC...

    L1- L- 4th/C -Prelim's...
    L2- L- 3rd/CL- Winner/C- SF's...
    L3- L- 2nd/CL- QF's/C- QF's...
    L4- L- 1st/CL- (Og)/C- Playoffs...

    W.B.A......BOING BOING!!!...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2013
    so u are suggesting me to use 4-4-2 classic as my regular formation? since my defence is not too solid especially left DC and DL.
    and all orders for your suggesting formation please . so that i could try out whether it works for me or not. i have a big problem with me is i had very less shooting in every match even against lowly teams. anyway to solve this ?