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Thread: Overview of Kings of King: Winter Thrones

  1. #1
    Rookie rememberthegirl2009's Avatar
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    Overview of Kings of King: Winter Thrones

    The event just finish after taking competitions for three days. So, the gamers have taken some positive and negative experiences from this event.
    Some gamers were happy to perform the event as they have super stars players and they have chances to beat their weaker opponents. And finally, yes, they got first place by receiving awards.
    Some managers were very dissapointed cos their teams were arranged with very stronger opponents in one table. Their overall rating of teams have 97%, but the opponents are over 130%, and finally, those managers were feeling unfair match competitions. They were trying their best but they couldn't compete to super stars opponent at all. Those kind of gamers were finally trying just to get logos.
    There is something for the event which gamers don't like them.
    (1) Two hourly free match taking for 24 hour is very very bad for managers. Firstly, they get ''sleep disturbance'', and the event may disturb working time, the event may make the gamers waste of time.
    (2) Three phases system: the event has three phases which the managers to pass through. In fact, this phases is trying to kicking either unactive or regular rating or weak teams out of the event, especially at the final phase. So the final result of the final phase has larger amount of super stars (mutant and tankers) clubs are more existing than the regular rating teams.

    So, as my opinion, I rather don't like that event anymore. My team has got only two logos and few amount of resources. There is no balance between my effort and my reward. In fact, the event took my time so much. To protect the cups I've got, I repeatly sign in to this game. Some disturbances are annoying to me. So, I decide that I'll never play such kind of TIME WASTING EVENT in the future. Logos are very consumptions of my time. Very very bad for me. I regret it cos I join this unfair event.
    It is better to play the event just to fullfil to sponsorship points.

    By the way, congratulation to gamers who get first place of the final phase.

    So, let me know your experiences and opinions.

    (Post copied to original uploader)Overview of Kings of King: Winter Thrones-received_424566045363553.jpgOverview of Kings of King: Winter Thrones-received_1589806887873139.jpg

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  2. #2
    Moderator dave1311's Avatar
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    I never normally bother with these events. But this time I did purely because Special Sponsor points were available at the start. I stuck with it to the end and finished second only because there was one team of mutants above me.
    Very time consuming you are right. I was lucky with my draw as I was the second highest rated team at 122%. Nice to get some tokens but not really worth the time every two hours.
    I think there needs to be some more attractive prizes in the future. Maybe phased prizes at the end of each day such as those seen in Special Sponsor.
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2020
    Main problem, if we look from most of the users perspective, is "pay to win" nature of this game! That is allways good news for owners and very bad experience for vast majority of players. Personally, each day of playing I'm closer and closer to quit the game. In my oppinion, you must have some real balance between efforts to earn big money vs fair play and playing experience for most of users.
    This game system is perfect fit to favour money earning over playing experience and that's what I don't really like. But, hey, maybe I'm just to sentimental or to old, I dont now. What I'm sure is that today games are a money making mashines and don't have much care for average user.
    Sorry if it was a bit of topic. Regards.

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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2020
    El gran problema son los equipos repetidores, ya que no suben divisiones para no perder estrellas, y practicamente imposible competir contra ellos.
    Yo gane las dos primeras fases y quede 3° en la fase final.
    Me jodio no poder atacar al segundo antes de finalizar el tiempo, por tener un partido oficial al poco de Acabar el tiempo del evento.
    Para cuando lo de poder programar partidos, con diferentes Tacticas.