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Thread: Opinions, what formation should i use with my current players?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Opinions, what formation should i use with my current players?

    Ive been playing for a couple of weeks but need help on formations. What should i use to beat my next opponent and what do I need to strengthen in my team?

    I lost to my opponent in the Champions League when he played 4-4-2. Despite having better players and beating him in all stats, he beat me 1 - 0 at his home ground. I used the line-up shown in the pic, is it luck or is my formation terrible?

    I think he will use this bellow in our return game and defend and counter attack me how do i beat that?

    Thanks in advance, sorry for all the silly questions
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Opinions, what formation should i use with my current players?-team.jpg  
    Last edited by markherb; 01-20-2013 at 12:48 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Out of here

    This tread will help you find what formation to use against any teams. Take a little time and do your research - Only you know ALL the details on your own players and your opponent teams. It is very hard to give advise to someone with so little info - and who ever gives you info they are telling you what works for them, they don't know what works for you. You will have to find yourself what works for your team and how your players respond to different formations and settings.

    I hope this link will help you understand how to adapt your team to any formation you face. Once you learn how tactics/formations work it will be much easier for you and much more fun to find out yourself how to counter any team, instead waiting for some "Expert" to tell you what to do.

    Have fun and enjoy the game