Quote Originally Posted by fmldotcom View Post
he's got many scouts, they are more clinical. Did you play Asymetric or with 2 MC? I would love to play Asymetric with an AMC in the hole roaming around freely to create space.
i know .. is really tough task facing teams with scouts ..
i tried symmetrical, but i had only 55% of possession , but when pushed my RM as AMR.. my possession jumped 7% more .. and that is not first time i noticed that, I think it is somehow better to play like that, as it seem give more balance for attack and mid

am playing today a tough side who is far weaker than me .. but managed to beat me on my ground 1-2 with 451V.. i noticed his AML is his best Player with 5 stars, and my guess he is directing all attacks in his side, so will have my DM shifted to the left a bit (asymmetrical) to be closer and will see if that will stop him today