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Thread: Special Abilities Rebuttal! SAs ROCK!

  1. #1
    Addicted Philip L. Willis's Avatar
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    Special Abilities Rebuttal! SAs ROCK!

    This was never meant to be a new thread, but just a honest reply in another thread to a lot of undersampling, misunderstand and sheer lazy management theory about the uselessness of Special Abilities players, plain nonsense! Unless I see a programmer from Nordeus come out and do a affidavit, saying all this SA stuff was a cruel joke! I will stick to the following:

    " As a manager that has always had 18+ SA players on a 22 Roster team for 4 winning seasons, I believe in using SA's. 'GOOD' players with a SA will out perform 'good' players without a SA at that Special Abilities, PERIOD! Your 4 star SA wall will block like a 5 star when they hit that free kick or shoot from afar, your one-on-one SA 6 star will round their goalkeeper like an 7 star player! Everyone that doubts this is always talking about "Exceptions" and not the "Rule", bad way to think in general and of course poor way to manage (they can't be bothered to hunt down transferring SA players, or spend the tokens to get that scout!).
    Of course, some types of SAs are better than others for YOU, because it all depends on your playing style, formations, tactics, training focus, your opponents.. etc, etc... the list goes on. If you don't train the SA for what he was purchased for, or build the team to utilities your SAs, then they are all "JUST FOR SHOW", you will just prove the SA doubters right, when they kick your butt, and reinforce their lazy bogus management theories! It is pointless having A1 SA 'Corner takers' when your receiving strikers fear messing up their hairstyles with a header. Good players with lousy crossing, shooting and finishing are useless Free kick specialist. If you never add speed, handling, positioning to your Penalty SA Goal keep, he will SUCK!
    "If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles" ~ Sun Tzu, Art of War. Build your team knowing what opponents you face, plan to play in 3 competition till the last few days of the season and YOU WILL. I had to played the level 7 Cup competition when I was level 3! I had to learn every counter and every re-counter formation, fool and hid my formation, push the clock back to mess with my opponent, utilize every aspect of every player, as my CUP opponents out-classed me everytime, every game and round was murder, and eventually at level 4 league, I won a 3rd place in a level 6 Cup competition.
    Build with formation, tactics, players abilities and 'Special abilities' in mind, attack them where they are not, defend where they are.
    If you have the time, money and/or the tokens choose that good player with the free-kick SA or the header specialist, he will surprise you, nothing beats watching your 4/5 star Penalty SAs, performing to perfection against their "Moon Shot" 6/7 star 'Big Name' non-SA strikers in a shoot out! Priceless! LOL. GOOD LUCK.

    P.S. In Football, its better to be Lucky than Good!"

    It may seem minor when you are level 14+ to have a little something extra every once in a while in a game, but for all those just starting that want to win, and extra star or twinkle at that critical juncture may just give you the win, that puts the "shiny trophy" on your club wall!
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Special Abilities Rebuttal! SAs ROCK!   Special Abilities Rebuttal! SAs ROCK!  
    Last edited by Philip L. Willis; 06-28-2014 at 11:54 AM.
    John Naish likes this.

  2. #2
    VIP Buffs Mad's Avatar
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    Well, I wouldn't be without my FK specialist MC who has scored 10 goals in 7 matches, 8 from Fks. But unless there is heavy scaling in T11 then I suspect many SAs deliver diminishing returns.
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  3. #3
    Champion Dman2pt's Avatar
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    You are level 4, and bought or farmed tokens.

    Do you think you won because of the special abilitys? You have a team full of scouts, do you ever won the CUP?

    We talk in 6 seasons.
    RJSlow and LaKu like this.

  4. #4
    Famous RJSlow's Avatar
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    Quality will always be more important than having a SA. I would rather have a 4* player then a 3* with SA. And when you say train them to showcase their SA, it is because you keep putting points on the corresponding skill category (attack, defense, phy + ment) that they become good. If you have a player with 50 att, 30 def, and 30 phy and ment, they will be overall of a 36, but have a free kick ability of a 50. So that wasn't because they had free kick specialist. Some players do well with a SA, but that is because they were programmed to get good ratings all over the place. It is purely luck, and it looks like you have been lucky so far. Watch out, your luck might run out

    Level 25, Season 25, 18 League Titles, 10 CL Titles, 3 Cup Titles
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  5. #5
    Addicted Philip L. Willis's Avatar
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    Doubters delight!

    Quote Originally Posted by Dman2pt View Post
    You are level 4, and bought or farmed tokens.

    Do you think you won because of the special abilitys? You have a team full of scouts, do you ever won the CUP?

    We talk in 6 seasons.
    Here we go, you assume a lot, tank for 8 months and Ill show you what I'll do with them to you, LOL. No, less than half are scouts bought over 2 seasons, boo hoo.... I won because of many many factors which includes using SAs, you miss the point of my post, reread my message and you will know what I did in the CUP.

  6. #6
    Famous RJSlow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Philip L. Willis View Post
    Here we go, you assume a lot, tank for 8 months and Ill show you what I'll do with them to you, LOL. No, less than half are scouts bought over 2 seasons, boo hoo.... I won because of many many factors which includes using SAs, you miss the point of my post, reread my message and you will know what I did in the CUP.
    What I saw you didn't actually win the cup, you just lost in the semis

    Level 25, Season 25, 18 League Titles, 10 CL Titles, 3 Cup Titles
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  7. #7
    Addicted Philip L. Willis's Avatar
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    In football its better to be lucky than good.

    Quote Originally Posted by RJSlow View Post
    Quality will always be more important than having a SA. I would rather have a 4* player then a 3* with SA. And when you say train them to showcase their SA, it is because you keep putting points on the corresponding skill category (attack, defense, phy + ment) that they become good. If you have a player with 50 att, 30 def, and 30 phy and ment, they will be overall of a 36, but have a free kick ability of a 50. So that wasn't because they had free kick specialist. Some players do well with a SA, but that is because they were programmed to get good ratings all over the place. It is purely luck, and it looks like you have been lucky so far. Watch out, your luck might run out
    If you have the codes for this game please share, I do not, nor will Nordeus easily let that be public. We can only guess and deduce what has been programmed in. As for what you have mentioned. Again, this is exception over the rule, to say SA have no effect in the game because the RANDOM() function subroutine will have a more determining effect over the game than us, is an unfair presentation of the program. And NO, I never said quality was a less dominate factor than SA, I prefer a 4* with a SA than a 4* player without and so should you. Yes players train well with or without SA, and they will be hopeless with or without SAs, that is not my point, the point is, the overall algorithm used incorporates the SA factor, which some out there totally ignore and promote as a useless appendage to the game. I'll not going to make a federal case out of following example, but putting correct footed player in their natural positions, corner kicks and free, has been working out for me. But again, I'm not going to insist that is true.
    I believe putting effort into understanding what's under the hood of Top eleven program and a keen sense of reason will give you wins, and letting your wounded player sit for 10 seconds, as they score two goals because you're checking your Whatsapp will lose you your game!

    Peace out.

    Ps. No Ive not been lucky, just careful to have plan and expect the worse from TOP 11! Three days before the end of the season.
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  8. #8
    Addicted Philip L. Willis's Avatar
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    Yes, he managed well and I'd messed up, this lvl 6 player beat someone much stronger than him in the finals. Well played.

  9. #9
    Famous RJSlow's Avatar
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    Its pretty hard to compare players without SAs to players with them when you have 3 players without and 19 with
    John Naish likes this.

    Level 25, Season 25, 18 League Titles, 10 CL Titles, 3 Cup Titles
    Server 201, 4-5-1 V-style fan, 0 Tokens bought

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    You need to increase the "medical" resource. Too many players injuried!

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