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  • 2 Post By adifairus

Thread: 4-5-1 V-Style

  1. #1
    Addicted k1tb's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Question 4-5-1 V-Style

    I know, that there are "default" orders with this tactic.

    Like :
    Down Flanks


    I am having like around 85% pass acc only...

    Any ideas about orders? All the tips are welcome And all the other suggestions are also welcome

  2. #2
    Addicted adifairus's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    4-5-1 V is one of my favorite formation also,

    well, it depends on your mentality, this formation is very versatile to me and it suitable for attacking and defending also,

    if you want to increase your % passing complete,

    mentality : normal/attacking
    focus passing : mixed
    passing style : short
    counter attack : OFF

    put red arrow on DMC, so he will join the MC to passing the ball around.

    Pressing : LOW with OFF offside trap (defending mentality) , HIGH with ON offside trap (Attacking mentality)
    Tackling : Normal
    Marking : Zonal (If opponent attacker is stronger than our defender), man to man if opponent attacker is weaker
    Offside trap : depends on mentality and pressing. (well, the more defender you have will make the offside trap difficult to be executed anyway)

    second: if you facing stronger opponent, you can play defensive like this

    mentality : Defensive
    focus passing : Both flank
    passing style : long (long style will make your counter attack faster)
    counter attack : ON

    pressing : Low
    tackling : normal
    marking : Zonal
    offside trap : OFF

    *if the opponent has AMC, put blue arrow on your DMC so he will always keep on eye on that AMC
    Last edited by adifairus; 09-08-2017 at 10:54 AM.
    k1tb and FC Dacia Terra like this.