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Thread: Beat weird 3w-2w-1-2n-2n?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2017

    Beat weird 3w-2w-1-2n-2n?

    CL tomorrow against this formation:


    I'm 119 and he's 116. He got offensive players who are really skilled in the air and also fast. MC is good passer and have excellent marking and positioning skills.

    How should I form my line up?

  2. #2
    Addicted adifairus's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    i don't know what exact formation to counter it.
    but guessing from his formation, maybe he will play through the middle to making his AMC and ST effective,
    all you need is DMC and DC for defending.

    but if he put red arrow on the DML and DMR, he may focus on mixed passing,

    in this case, you need DL/DR also

    since he doesnt have DMC and only has 1 DC,
    i think you should focus attack through middle

    he only has 1 MC, so, there is your chance to win midfield battle also.

    i guess this is the suitable formation for you,


    pur red arrow on your AMC, your AMC and ST can beat his lonely DC

    your 2 MC's can win midfield battle.

    your 2 DMC's and DC's can block his AMC and ST
    make sure to put blue arrow on your DMC so your DMC will always keep on eye of their AMC.

    your DL/DR can block his DML/DMR (in case he put red arrow on it)
    but make sure don't put red arrow obn your DL/DR. his job just to defend,
    no need to help for attack because you will play through the middle

    and this tactical will just make his DL/DR has no function at all

    Mentality : Normal (you can change to attacking after 30 minutes if your passing complete more than 80%)
    Focus passing : middle
    Passing style : short
    counter attack : OFF

    pressing : Low/high
    tackling : Normal
    Marking : If their ST/AMC are better than your DC/DMC, just play Zonal marking
    offside trap : OFF (You has 4 defender, its difficult to execute the offside trap aniway)

    by the way, i'm still newbie, don't be mad if you still loosing if using this tactical. heh heh
    Last edited by adifairus; 09-07-2017 at 02:48 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    Did'nt see your reply untill now, after the game. But, I used the same formation you suggegsted and won 4-1. :-)

  4. #4
    Addicted adifairus's Avatar
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    Sep 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by MaxCady View Post
    Did'nt see your reply untill now, after the game. But, I used the same formation you suggegsted and won 4-1. :-)
    good to hear that.