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Thread: How to stop opponent ML/MR ?

  1. #1
    Addicted adifairus's Avatar
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    Sep 2017

    How to stop opponent ML/MR ?

    Hello, usually i can stop opponent AML/AMR either by using DL/DR with red arrow or just using DML/DMR without any arrow.

    but i still don't know how to stop the ML/MR. i have tried many type and arrow of side defend position but always fail, usually they will form so bad.

    is it i need to use ML/MR also?

  2. #2
    Famous KenoticFC's Avatar
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    Dec 2016
    You should also consider that wingers (ML MR AMR AML) are the most inform players in the game. They are the main source of goals for most players so the fact that you can't stop them all the time shouldn't concern you since it is impossible to demand to never concede a goal.

    Judging by your question I assume the only flank players you have are the 2 defenders DL and DR and yes that means you will be prone by teams that play down both flanks with skilled wingers.

  3. #3
    Newbie 4y4ar's Avatar
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