It's shame, this thead talk about Useless/ Usefull only.
No one SA is useless when we know to use it (especially when we have a player with double positions)!
This thread would be very useful with some explanations about SA/Position and Formation!
And i think lot of people loves football/soccer, but few knows tactics (just read this thread to have proof).
Depend of your formation and tactic!!
For example with defenders :
- 3 DC : Aerial defenders or defensive wall. That depend of the opponent team, because we talking of "defenders" :
"Defensive wall" is useful against "one on one" players for example, or in case of a short passes tactic (opponent).
"Aerial defender" is usefull against "direct passes" tactic and against tall players.
- With DMR & DML + 2/3 DC :
DMx => defensive wall (because it's the role of this positions!)
DC => Aerial defenders
Before to say this SA is usefull or useless, it's important to know the "good" abilities" for the "good positions" (knowledge tactic of football).
=> Wikipedia is your true friend.
GK : just a question of
"One-on-one" can happen during the season (often).
Penalties is much more rare, except in "Cups". One qualif can be win with good "penalty takers" and "Penalty stopper".
I think the answer is pretty simple!
- Penalty stopper : Only for Cups.
- One-on-one stopper : League (team-type player)
Aerial defender : DC only (and DMC if possible)
Defensive walll : DR/DL and DMR/DML only (and MR/ML in case where the player have 2 positions: DMR/MR for example)
Or... if you have only 3 DC (no DR/DL nor DMR/DML), it will be good to have 2 "aerial defenders" and 1 "defensive wall", or i prefer in this case : 0 "defensive wall" and at least 2 "aerial defender" (just my opinion).
Playmaker : MC or DMC with defense tactic. It's very interesting for a player MC/AMC (but very rare) in "MC position" (and Red arrows) in a offensive tactic.
Dribbler : AML/AMR only (it's the only ability usefull for this position and for the team),
Shadow striker : AMC only.
Strikers, same logic as GK
One-on-one scorer : Usefull for the entire Season (all competitions).
Penalty taker : Pretty usefull in "Cups" (if this player isn't the best of the team => Enter before the penalty kicks).
Free kick specialist: Others players. For this ability i prefer use DMx/Mx and keep my strikers and AMx near the goal.
Corner specialist: Others players. For this ability i prefer to use Dx/DMx and keep my strikers, AMx and Mx ready to catch/shoot the ball.
I saw many teams with only 2* have a good palmares because players have good abilities/positions.
I saw many "Big" teams 8-9* (and their managers crying on the forum) without abilities or bad abilities/positions lose against the "small" teams (with good abilities/positions).
SA is Useless ?
Is it VERY usefull ?
No! ... it's useful only when abilities are adequate in fonction of positon and tactic.
In your squad, the logic say you need at least (on the field).
x1 one-on-one stopper (L Cup and CL)
x1 Penalty stopper (Cup and CL after qualif and when the match is equal before the penalties shootout).
but i'm ok to say, a one-on-one stopper is most useful for a entire season.
(at least) x1 aerial defenders : for DC.
(at most) x2 defensive wall (each side

MR/DML or DR/DL ... in case of 3DC only : it's very dangerous to use "wall defenders" because they are "central" => faults, lost interception... is very dangerous in center field).
For only 3DC (without DMx/DL/DR), finaly i prefer to have 3 "aerial defenders" (no risk and most efficient) or no abilities at all.
x2 dribbler : AMR/AML only (if you use it of course).
Ok for an AMC but only if you use a tactic with 2 AMC at least without AMR/AML (other AMC will be "shadow striker").
For 3 AMC, i prefer use 1 "shadow striker" and 2 "dribblers".
x1 one-on-one scorer:
If you have 2 strikers (or more), 1 one-on-one is enough.
Not optional (very important)
(at least and at more) x1 shadow striker : AMC (if you have an AMC of course),
(at least and at more) x1 Playmaker : MC (or DMC only with defensive tactic)... Or Mx if you don't use MC.
(Optional) x2 corner specialists (on each side, but i don't know if the feet is really useful in T11)
(Optional) x2 free kick takers (in my experience the most complete player is a very good free kick takers, for example, no need to have a poor player with this ability).
For these 2 abilities, the most efficient and economic is : Have a player(s) in controle with his 2 feet.
(Optional but very userful when we need it.. in Cup for example) x5 Penalty takers.
cya, and have fun