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Thread: Fast Trainers Finder

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Sep 2021
    CA, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by owlique View Post
    Those are all fast trainers. Green line is for convenience only.

    For example, if you are on level 3 and on auction you see 18 years old player, 46% and his price is $2.25M (or higher) then this player is fast trainer.
    If player's price is less then he is not fast trainer and will gain skills slower.

    If you see player is 21 years old, 57% and price is $5.26M then he is fast trainer

    Attachment 138733
    according to the graph my 18-yr-old is ft but he is 111112

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Dec 2021
    thanks owlique for your work.
    a quick question.
    i just bought a possible "fasttrainer" identified on price only , but the first 2 test trains gave 0/1
    you also mentioned the gray / white skills average identifier.

    which one is the better identifier? or must be both identifer in place ( price and skills)
    and how much is the chance to have an fasttrainer when the identifers fits?

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