Yes, thats what im saying dont train your player with white skills more then 1-2 stars above your Q of the player, if u have for example 120% at shotting and 80% at Finishing start to train finishing... Right?
Yes, thats what im saying dont train your player with white skills more then 1-2 stars above your Q of the player, if u have for example 120% at shotting and 80% at Finishing start to train finishing... Right?
I start to understand more and more now... I just read Last night so many threats, so start to be more clear... Regarding the team bonus, as I get my matches early in the morning, i dont get the team bonus at 10% ( i assume The server restarts around GMT+ 3?)... Its uselles to try to get it at 10% and sacrifice some condition before The match?
My matches are around 9:30am!
So New season just started and i manage to get a player, anyway its so hard to get a 85% player without paying like 10T... Even like that i manage to get this player for just 7T and i train him MC... On average he got +1 each 13 Condition lost and my drills are not yet world class!
Btw my 3 youth academy players are all fast trainers this season
I tried to do a little experiment, got 2 players 1 was the highest coins the other was for free, and the other i got randomly by CPU
they all ended up being fast trainers almost identical and think the random one by cpu i got was slightly faster tho.