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I played the 3-1-2-3-1 for many seasons, starting with a DL-DC-DR defense. I quickly noticed, that my defense completely fell apart, if the opponent played 2 ST's. So I moved to DC-DC-DC. In general this felt alot more stable, although they obviously struggled more against AML/AMR now.
So from my experience: train your defenders to be DL+DC, DC, DC+DR & your DMC+DC (+ideally one MC to be a DMC too). That way you can easily adapt to what is needed. Either (3-1-2-3-1) 3 DC, or (3-1-2-3-1) DL-DC-DR, (4-2-3-1) DL-DC-DC-DR or even the (4-5V-1) DL-DC-DC-DR-DMC, given that your DMC is a DC too and your MC is a DMC.