shoutout to @lmaestroll
I decided to open this thread , in order to let people know about this position .Unfortunately, it's unkown to many and I find people getting confused over and over again,which isnt nice to see.
Lets start
Many people believe that by pushing your wingers more forward , in the ST line , they will play more forward.
No , thats not correct and thats the basis of our position
Where is this "secret" position?
This position , is basically at the AML/AMR position , but a little more forward ,in the striker line . Watch this video at 0:45 to understand exactly
So , pushing your wingers more forward , wont make them play in a more attacking role. Instead, they will play in the middle - centre . Its not a bug or a technical issue , its a legit role

We call this
second striker , or even better ,
shadow striker (this name has nothing to do with the special ability "shadow striker" ) .
Where is their starting position?
Their starting position , is in the MC line , exactly the same as the MC . Thats why , sometimes , you cant see them because they are covered from your mc .
They start their runs from the MC . So , yeah , your winger hasnt disappeared ,, he is just covered behind a MC
To understand what I mean even better , watch the video at 4:06
So, whats this role?
A shadow striker is basically a withdrawn striker that plays in a deeper position and performs various runs at all directions in the attacking zone
His main duty is to assist the striker (so its a support role mainly) but he can also go alone and search for a goal.
for their movements , check the video at 2:21 ( . Please , note that when you are playing with shadow strikers , you have no wingers ! This is useful when you have some very good wingbacks and you want some crosses in the overloaded midfield .
How to recognize them?
Shadow strikers appear -in the numerical formation- as strikers. so they will be in the same line as strikers. If you see someone playing a 42mc-3(AML/AMC/AMR)-1 , but in the numerical formation its not a 4231 but a 4213 , then the opponent is playing with shadow strikers . So , reinforce your midfield even more , and leave the flanks . Use 3DC instead of DL/DC/DR
For another example , watch the video at 6:22 .
Thanks for reading , I hope that you learned something new today
milpol-Miltiadis K