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  • 1 Post By Jayden1990

Thread: Who should I train?

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2021

    Who should I train?

    Hi, I have found two aml’s in action but I need help to choose which one to train. They both have the same %, value and age. One of them is aml/amc, he is called Phillips. The other one is only aml and is called Nicho. Phillips is a world class ft while Nicho is only a regular ft. I have tested them both in friendlies and they borth perform very good scoring 3 or more goals per game. I’m going to train one of them with around 700 rests next season. But Phillips is also amc and requires heading training although I would only use him as an aml. So my question is as mentioned, which one should I train?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2021
    In times of exponential change, which thing keeps us to work and our knowledge and skills base relevant and up-to-date? Continuous learning. Of course, life-long learning is first and foremost and individual responsibility. But to continuously develop their human capital to meet the requirements of the workplace of the future, companies have to invest in upskilling training, too. Here many exciting questions arise: Who should undergo what kind of training programs? Why? And how can you get more out of your time and monetary investments in training?
    PaulG likes this.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2021
    Quote Originally Posted by Emphraize View Post
    Hi, I have found two aml’s in action but I need help to choose which one to train. They both have the same %, value and age. One of them is aml/amc, he is called Phillips. The other one is only aml and is called Nicho. Phillips is a world class ft while Nicho is only a regular ft. I have tested them both in friendlies and they borth perform very good scoring 3 or more goals per game. I’m going to train one of them with around 700 rests next season. But Phillips is also amc and requires heading training although I would only use him as an aml. So my question is as mentioned, which one should I train?
    I only train fast trainers. This allows you to spend less green. Google how to spot a fast trainer by their cost or special skill training. If they are both good, I would train with one position (AML), since he has fewer "white skills" and can be raised higher.
    If the game "decided" that you will lose, you will lose.
    Sorry for the English. This is google translate.