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Thread: Top Eleven's New Cup Format

  1. #1

    Top Eleven's New Cup Format

    As the Cup format has recently been changed, we've decided to offer a bit of insight into the reasoning behind these changes and what we aimed to achieve.

    You can read the article.

  2. #2
    Famous johnny token's Avatar
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  3. #3
    VIP July Fourth's Avatar
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    Obviously, the first idea to come to mind was to lower the level-gap between managers, maybe pitching teams that weren’t more than four levels apart against each other. This would still lead to too large of a power gap, though, both in terms of ground structures and player quality the higher levels had access to.
    Don't know why they didn't go along with this 'Level Banded' format, would of at least kept some easy preliminaries for the strongest teams instead of playing another team as powerful as yours on day 1, plus as we all know the new cup format doesn't favour any token buyers.

    Plus when I did an unofficial poll, It showed strong support for the 'level banded' format and even the old cup system got more support than the current new format.
    Last edited by July Fourth; 04-08-2013 at 08:20 PM.
    *Retired From Top Eleven*

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    At least with the old format you had something to strife for, that you could some day be able to win it.

    This new setup only helps lower quality teams at their league level that competes against lower level with higher quality teams since they can buy much better players cheaper after the season has begun. It annoys me that some semi-active managers I have met will be able to get the cup before me just because of how you have constructed it.

  5. #5
    Grand Master PricopGeorgeCătălin's Avatar
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    love this one!
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  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    So that's why I thought that my opponents this Cup season were a bit weaker than the previous seasons!
    Exeter FC - Season 2 (21.5)

    Past 5 games: W - W - W - W -W

    Season 1 - 7th (someone should have warned me about illegal formations earlier!)
    Season 2 - 5th (yeah, err, yeah. See above.)
    Season 3 - currently 2nd

  7. #7
    Famous Morgan O'Bree's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MDKII View Post
    As the Cup format has recently been changed, we've decided to offer a bit of insight into the reasoning behind these changes and what we aimed to achieve.

    You can read the article.
    you might have let something slip by, since i got as opponent teams 10 points stronger than me (25 vs 35/38) so uhm.

  8. #8
    Newbie assilah's Avatar
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    I live in Belgium at this moment but i hope and i am sure that soon it will be in warmer climate
    I like it and why i do that is because you have a point! This is TOPELEVEN but now you can show you're ability as a teammanager! And that meanes that you cannot buy very good players and wait in your chair for the results to follow. Now you,as i tried from the beginning,have to form a groupe off players and also see your team has 2 good ones for the same position! Rotation can be a very important isseu here,as well as tactics. I LIKE THIS VERY MUCH BECAUSE NOW YOU HAVE PLENTY MORE POSSIBILITIES TO CONCQUER YOUR OPPONENT! GOOD CUP FORMAT CHANGE!!!!!
    Quote Originally Posted by MDKII View Post
    As the Cup format has recently been changed, we've decided to offer a bit of insight into the reasoning behind these changes and what we aimed to achieve.

    You can read the article.
    ZekZargous likes this.

  9. #9
    VIP dv8r's Avatar
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    Looks like this is here to stay...
    Ljepoje likes this.

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  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    In our (me and my friend) humble opinion, This new format is suck, sorry to say. Why? Because the prize of the match is fewer than last season. And its not just about the trophy man, its all about how do you train your team to beat the higher team, and thats the sensation, feel the sensation when facing the higher team, even you lose, you still get 1-2M cash in front, right? but now, Level 4 price for prelimenary just +- 300-400K, what do u can do with it? Nothing. Sorry for my language.
    brezz likes this.

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