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Thread: has Nordeus gone bonkers (role and SA - scouts)

  1. #31
    VIP Buffs Mad's Avatar
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    Apr 2014
    Scout list is reset again today and haphazard heroes are gone. Hopefully it'll reset again tonight and the strange ones will return...its the only interesting thing about the list these days.

  2. #32
    Greek Forum Moderator nikolgiorgos's Avatar
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    I was checking (and thinking) to buy a scout/list player, a ST, because the three I have this season are in terrible form.
    So, checking the ST of the list I noticed that their attacking skills are worst than their defense skills
    wtf, this season the scout list has the double players but every one is worse than the other

    Attachment 40633
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails has Nordeus gone bonkers (role and SA - scouts)-between-2-scouts.jpg  
    Last edited by nikolgiorgos; 03-18-2015 at 03:37 PM.
    Καλώς ήρθατε στο Ελληνικό φόρουμ

  3. #33
    VIP Gert Funck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nikolgiorgos View Post
    I was checking (and thinking) to buy a scout/list player, a ST, because the three I have this season are in terrible form.
    So, checking the ST of the list I noticed that their attacking skills are worst than their defense skills
    wtf, this season the scout list has the double players but every one is worse than the other

    Attachment 40633
    Yes worse and more expensive. In my case it is better to buy a decent youngster and powertrain him, and comparred to the price of 69 Tokens, you can really boost that player
    Groundhog Day visiting level - 58 -

    considering quitting, since nothing is improved for veterans ... nothing and pay to win has become to dominante

    FireCats is testing level - 36 -

  4. #34
    Greek Forum Moderator nikolgiorgos's Avatar
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    yes, some nice defenders with better attacking skill

    has Nordeus gone bonkers (role and SA - scouts)-scout-list-defenders.jpg

    Well, I was desperate for a good ST and I bought the guy from the previous post (with "one-to-one" sa, both feet and better defensive skills). It was a total fail, the worst scouter I ever had, so I decided to sell him before he 'll brake my nerves more.

    has Nordeus gone bonkers (role and SA - scouts)-selling-zardel.jpg

    Reading few more post about scout failures, I suspect that it's not coincidence and that this season, with the new TM and variety in scouter prices, there is a bug problem.
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  5. #35
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    Nov 2014
    A player getting 5 on first game played must be immediately benched, and train until he is ready.

    Scouts used to have random motivation upon purchase, may be they make the scouts even more difficult to use by tuning down their default motivation value, so token buyers have to use tons of green packs too, to raise it up to reasonable levels that they can actually be used.

    Untrained scout getting form 6 on first game is pretty normal from my experience, but 5 is a completely unusable state.

  6. #36
    Greek Forum Moderator nikolgiorgos's Avatar
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    I appreciate your way of thinking but in my case I lack of time. All of a sudden, this season my team hasn't an effective ST, I have tough rival opponents in CH.L. and I don't want to be out so soon.
    Usually I buy one scout every season (some times none, maybe next season 2). They aren't always the super players but I never had such a failure.
    I also bought many ex-scout players, 5* veterans from higher lv managers, who also was very reliable.
    I still believe something is wrong with this season list.
    Καλώς ήρθατε στο Ελληνικό φόρουμ

  7. #37
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    You can always spend 4~5 greens to jump start a scout, but that does not immediately make him a reliable player to use.

    I believe there is a "teamwork" value in each player that start low for every newcomer, which increases when played and trained with other players in the same team, to become a constant performer it needs to be developed through time or the use of green packs, it explains why full-team cardio (every uninjured player in the team must participate) is so effective for boosting form on all players.

    I have focused the use of scout before, it requires constant flow of green packs to maintain a great shape but could win games all by himself as MC getting 8~9 scored and defended like half the time as if other players can't do anything, complete with highly deadly freekicks, that can last 3 seasons at 7~8* at the cost of ~50 greens per season. It's too resource intensive (at the cost of other players) and I find myself in great trouble when he is suspended or injured, as without him on the field my team just fall apart and it is difficult to win any title this way.

  8. #38
    VIP Buffs Mad's Avatar
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    Scout Market captures can be dependable but occasionally you get slow starters that need encouragement, just like Amane says. I had an either footed FK SA Striker who took 8 games to get off the mark - 3 games for me to realise he wasn't working out of the box & that he needed more care; and 5 more of getting 20+ mins game time for me to see, from sub ratings, when he was ready. He finished after 3.5 seasons with over a goal a game and decent assists - which while not outstanding it was very good in the 'same 6 teams' competitive league I had for 5 seasons.

    I have been in the habit, from around Season 2 (or maybe it was 3) of signing 1 or 2 impact players from Scout list. With recent experiences/changes to Scout Market I don't think I can justify that anymore as a strategy. But I might still turn to it in desperation (game cos like the desperation factor XD)

    In the background I always think of a 'performance factor' as an unseen stat. This can be made up of a number of things producing a value(s) that can be applied to (relevant) actions. It might include: 'motivation'; morale; team co-efficient; a player stat multiplier of weight/height/age; suitability for role; fit with team; player 'event' aptitude; etc etc.

    I don't claim any or all of these are correct but when I look at the numbers we are given and try to think of game mechanics that could be extracted from them then its some of the tings I come up with to provide the 'reason' I would not otherwise have. eg why is X better than Y at FK when Y has SA and better shooting crossing? = better aptitude/performance/voodoo factor on X than Y >.<

    Although this is going way off-topic now I often talk of "more chance of using defence or attack and physical attributes being in constant use" when thinking of arrows, mentality etc But I also believe that these changes scale for role and position so for example a DC might have a default of 80% def and 20% att 'action choice' chance and a Striker the reverse....which either scaling up and down as applicable for poitions in between. (The numbers just given are by way of example - I couldn't possibly know

    But I digress.

  9. #39
    Greek Forum Moderator nikolgiorgos's Avatar
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    I have focused the use of scout before, it requires constant flow of green packs to maintain a great shape
    scout player is a slow/medium trainer cause of his age and high Q, so about +30 to +40 are the prices of training in 3 bars/practice,
    meaning about 10 of those trainings to gather 3 sp (which is almost nothing) with a great danger for an injury - not so good idea.

    I believe there is a "teamwork" value in each player that start low for every newcomer, which increases when played and trained with other players in the same team, to become a constant performer it needs to be developed through time or the use of green packs, it explains why full-team cardio (every uninjured player in the team must participate) is so effective for boosting form on all players.
    now you 're getting closer to the sphere of fantasy. Even if this thing exist, I can't imagine how someone can observe this
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  10. #40
    Greek Forum Moderator nikolgiorgos's Avatar
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    In the background I always think of a 'performance factor' as an unseen stat. This can be made up of a number of things producing a value(s) that can be applied to (relevant) actions. It might include: 'motivation'; morale; team co-efficient; a player stat multiplier of weight/height/age; suitability for role; fit with team; player 'event' aptitude; etc etc.
    so, we have an equation, trying to find A, where A=x + (3-y) + (2Xz)

    I don't claim any or all of these are correct but when I look at the numbers we are given and try to think of game mechanics that could be extracted from them then its some of the tings I come up with to provide the 'reason' I would not otherwise have. eg why is X better than Y at FK when Y has SA and better shooting crossing? = better aptitude/performance/voodoo factor on X than Y >.<
    an explanation maybe is that if those factors give a +1% or a +3% and the game/program has a roll dice of +- 20% you can't get a clue.
    As for injuries for example, if moral/condition/grass quality/resting hour/M&P give a +1%, 2 or 3 bars give a -3%, but overall there is a roll dice of 10 or 20% (and hit max), all above becoming minor.
    Καλώς ήρθατε στο Ελληνικό φόρουμ

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