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Thread: There is hope for everyone in the Cup

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    There is hope for everyone in the Cup

    I'm always seeing on here people complaining about playing higher levels in the Cup. Well, just because they are higher level doesn't mean you can't win!!
    I just got knocked out by a team 4 levels below me
    First leg I had a 70/30 possession but just couldn't score and lost 0-1

    There is hope for everyone in the Cup-cup1.jpg

    Second leg today, 65/35 to me, played all out attack but obviously my guys had been partying all night and weren't up for it

    There is hope for everyone in the Cup-cup2.jpg

    Well played my opponent!
    Arion, Ibrahim Bavari and Steve285 like this.

  2. #2
    Famous nash123's Avatar
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    "Nothing is Impossible" - I won cup Season 2 (L5) and Season 3 (L6), now I'm playing Season 4 at Cuplevel 8. I beat "many" managers, which are more than one level above. You need a good squad, good formation and good tactic. Good squad I don't mean high stars, only good/superior performing. My best player this season is my "weakest" (on Stars).

    I think, today I won my hardest (cup)game. He was Manager 5, he was unbeaten at league and cup (maybe CL also), conceeded 0,5 goals per match. Away I lost first leg, he was there. So... had to go risky, to shot a goal... but if I conceeded one, I had to shot at least three. He also changed his formation. I was at a loss what to do.
    (I had just a feeling, used it)

    I won 2:0 (he also was there), so I'm still in -> I kicked out: L5 last season Triple-Winner at first round, L6 manager (undefeated at league - 12 of 12 wins), L6 last season double winner (cup and league) and today.

    BUT: how much luck is there? What were the conditionlevel of the opponents? Or is it only me to set the right formation/tactic?

    Please post the upcoming results of your opponent - it will be very interessing, how he will go on.

  3. #3
    Moderator dave1311's Avatar
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    Well done pal. Nice to progress in the Cup. I've only won it once and lost 2 other Finals. Today I was 0-2 down from 1st leg. I picked a couple of squad players as I wanted to save my star ML & MR for a tough League game later. So I picked an AML & an AMR in a 4-5-1V and went all out attack from the off. I had nothing to lose. After extra time I won 3-0. Didn't think I'd do it but was very satisfying when I did. Sometimes you feel that your name is on the Cup so fingers crossed. Good luck to you.

    KFC Loella.
    Level 30
    16 League Titles,
    3 Champions League,
    1 Cup.
    Awe Imoleayo Peter and Bunzo like this.
    ROMANBY VILLAGE FC (founded December 24th 2013)
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    good job...last night i faced the same team that kicked me out at semi-final n last season~ he is one LV above me and has a higher Q ( i am 132% he is 136%)
    in my away game... i draw 2:2....
    last night.... in my home game.... he score first at 15min... and then i score 3 time before the half time... that was 3:1....
    until that time... still look good.... but until 76 and 80 min...he score again.... which made 3:3 but he had more away goal....
    it sound like i will be knock out but losing the away goal (last season, he also knock me out at semi-final because the away goal)
    the magic time was 90 min.... my AML shot and score.... AML turn the game to 4:3 at the last min....right after that....match ended....
    so....i am super lucky to get into the next round by the last min goal.... (but the stupid AM report... he only mention my ST score a nice goal... but he totally miss my AML score twice include the last min goal..... he doesn't even mention my AML in the report....)

  5. #5
    Famous Arion's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gogs67 View Post
    I'm always seeing on here people complaining about playing higher levels in the Cup. Well, just because they are higher level doesn't mean you can't win!!
    I just got knocked out by a team 4 levels below me
    First leg I had a 70/30 possession but just couldn't score and lost 0-1

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Cup1.jpg 
Views:	107 
Size:	57.3 KB 
ID:	66836

    Second leg today, 65/35 to me, played all out attack but obviously my guys had been partying all night and weren't up for it

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Cup2.jpg 
Views:	108 
Size:	58.9 KB 
ID:	66837

    Well played my opponent!
    No, it's what gonna happen if you play a s**t keeper
    AH AH — manager of Atlético Kolkata. Named in honour of my hometown club, Atlético de Kolkata, which won the inaugural edition of Indian Super League in 2014.

    A good defence is the best offense.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Arion View Post
    No, it's what gonna happen if you play a s**t keeper
    He let in one goal in 180 minutes and made 5 saves, pretty sure the fault lies in the attacking line!!
    My games either side of these two legs I won 11-1, 3-0 and 7-0 against better opposition than this opponent!

  7. #7
    Rookie Steve285's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gogs67 View Post
    I'm always seeing on here people complaining about playing higher levels in the Cup. Well, just because they are higher level doesn't mean you can't win!!
    I just got knocked out by a team 4 levels below me
    First leg I had a 70/30 possession but just couldn't score and lost 0-1

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Cup1.jpg 
Views:	107 
Size:	57.3 KB 
ID:	66836

    Second leg today, 65/35 to me, played all out attack but obviously my guys had been partying all night and weren't up for it

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Cup2.jpg 
Views:	108 
Size:	58.9 KB 
ID:	66837

    Well played my opponent!
    What a good sport you are
    gogs67 likes this.
    Thornton F.C level 23

    Winner league in levels 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,18, 19, 20,21,22

    Winner champions league in level 6, 10
    Runner up CL in level 5, 8, 19

    Cup finished 3rd in level 9,

  8. #8
    Greek Forum Moderator nikolgiorgos's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    hmmm, plausible
    #102 A bad roll dice, a fixed result not only in one game but in two qlf games for CH.L. or the Cup - plausible
    from top eleven Mythbusters
    Καλώς ήρθατε στο Ελληνικό φόρουμ

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    I complained about it...but I have beaten the 2 level 7 and 8 teams I have played in every leg so far. Even those higher rated, and I don't think I've watched maybe more than 2 games, if that. Last year I won the cup and the closest game I had was against a team my own level.

    Just because I complained, doesn't mean I still won't try and win it It just means, next year I'd like to be against people playing the game the same amount of time as me.
    gogs67 and Arion like this.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve285 View Post
    What a good sport you are
    It's just a game, and I don't spend any money on it, no point in taking it too seriously.

    Quote Originally Posted by nikolgiorgos View Post
    hmmm, plausible

    from top eleven Mythbusters
    I don't believe the games are predetermined, but I do think they are 'random' sometimes, no matter what you do as a manager.
    HOWEVER, both of us have played this game long enough to know that one freak result happens, but two, that's far more unusual.
    I just accepted the first 1-0 loss as 'one of these things' and it didn't actually cross my mind that I wouldn't win the return leg 4 or 5 nil, as that's what would normally happen.
    Jeez, I just beat a team of all 5*/6* in the CL today 1-0, so for a full team of 1 * to better me over two legs hardly even goes with the 'chance' theory!
    Andrew Nifield and Arion like this.

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