Hola buenas seguis teniendo hueco libre?
Hola buenas seguis teniendo hueco libre?
hey guys, really looking for an active football association, preferable who can speak english so I can communicate with you guys. I am active player, let me know what you want to know from me so I can be part of your association.
Looking for an active association, 102% team
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Hello, hola, salut!
I am looking for fellow members to rise an association to the top, at least Gold and then we will see in what shape we will be!
I joined many associations before but many got quickly disappointing: people going inactive, members not training or giving bonuses. I'm sure a lot of you know what I am talking about!
Let's build an association that will not be another disappointment.
I don't care what level you are, all I ask is that you train well, use common sense and give the bonus. We can also help each other. And just joke and talk about football etc too![]()
About the association:
Barely Legal
Hours of the matches: 19:00 GMT +1 (can adjust if needed)
About me:
Level 46 player, been active between 2013 and 2015, and 2019 until now.
See you soon!
Last edited by kurowasan; 06-16-2020 at 11:57 PM.
New Association! New Players welcome!
Will be happy to spread knowldege, teach tips and tricks and help with the tactics.
Needs members who play every day and expect the same dedication from team mates. Looking to get to Platinum in 7-8 seasons. Let's do it together.
Association name - Platinum Pirates
Edit: We already have 2 Fantastic Managers. We need 2-4 more! If you are active and looking to grow your team we want to hear from you!
Bonjour à tous les joueurs,
Je cherche un ou 2 joueurs avec plus de 100% de niveau qui est actif et qui a envie de la gagne.
Nous étions 5 j’ai virer un joueur très inactif et qui devenait mauvais et puis un de mes joueurs et parti ce matin du coup nous nous retrouvons à 3.
Mon association s’appelle Seleçao Das Quinas
Bonne partie à tous
I have started a new association called "Victorious Secret" and need people to join.
Currently we have 2 members, both with treble and undefeated achievement.
Both players are returning from a break so our teams are weak and because of that we don't expect much from you either.
To start the climb towards platinum, literally anyone is welcome! No matter how strong your team is and how good/active you are.
The first player to join will promoted to Vice-Captain to encourage you to stay long term.
Timezone is GMT+1.
The tag is #8K3QI8
Hello guys!
I'm an active 104% player looking for an association Gold L1 or higher at the end of this current season.
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