join our association #K3FDAK. welcome everybody.
Currently on absolut division.
Need 4 very dedicated players with knowledge of the game.
PM if you are interested.
Hi Guys & Girls.
I'm looking for an Association for my 2nd Account, ideally Gold1 or Diamond. I'm very active with both of my accounts, my 2nd one is Level 41 with x3 multiplier.
I'm all in for bonuses, events and the usual stuff that makes a good Association member.
Happy to discuss by PM if needed.
ROMANBY VILLAGE FC (founded December 24th 2013)
Level 133
50 League
8 Champions/Elite League
4 Super League/Gold Cup
12 Cup
1 Super Cup
Top Eleven Forum Moderator
Can I get a slot,
I'm Active and 4x, with a 100% currently
Old player with brand new club looking for active Association. Division in not important but i want 4 or 5 active players to whom i can join so we can climb up the ladder together. I can provide very high activity and experience.
Current division: diamond
We have 5 members atm
We want to push for ultimate division.
So we are looking for a good, active n experienced player to fill the empty spot.
You should have a strong team
PM me if you fit the criteria
Very active Ultimate association of around 100%-120%
Looking to replace one of our founders who has retired, and reclaim a spot in Ultimate.
Weekends are fun with the Crickets!