Hello, all associations I see have inactive or low level star team...
Because of that I have created a new association and searching 4 more managers, where active playing, to win and rank up fast to higher classes.
If you want to play in active association, join me.
Use in the association search this tag : #S7C1N7
And let us have fun together
Hi, we are also searching active members. We are Diamond level, so way too weak teams, please do not search us, but if u feel u are up to the task, then u can use the association search TAG: #VAK8Z8
Hi All!
Me and my friend are looking for an active English or Dutch speaking clan. We are online daily, and so we are very active.
We are both at ~22,0 average quality. We both just started 2 weeks ago.
Who's clan we can join??????
Diamond association in need of 2 or 3 new members, you'll need to be active with full bonuses. Please send join request direct to the association,the code is in the photo.
Sent from my M2012K11AG using Tapatalk
Bronze 1 Association looking for 2 active members TAG: #AY2XF0
any active manager with 3X multiplier, minimum 90% squad #U819BT
Last edited by Teuton; 03-27-2023 at 08:01 PM.
Platinum association looking for 1-2 new members. Need x2 or x3 multiplier, keep training bonuses at max for the tournaments, and help us go back up to Diamond.
If interested, feel free to send a request to Tribe at #82VAP0 (last character is number zero).
Hi I am an experienced manager (level 50) and my team is usually around 135% at the end of each season, I have mostly competed in diamond and platinum and am a very reliable player. Looking for a diamond, or a strong platinum association. Team name is: Tristin FC
Last edited by tristin1916; 03-31-2023 at 08:26 PM.
Looking for a member to Diamond asso
-40% training
~be active and online most of the time
~join our discord group
Pm me if you are interested