Diamond asso looking for 1 manager
Name: Strikers
Requirements: x3 multiplier and a good squad
preferably above 110+
Bonus always @40
Apply: #U819BT
Platinum asso looking for a new member!
Be 100% with some trained players,we expect you to share bonuses and watch some matches
DM me if interested
Looking for 1 managers to join Diamond association this week!
Very well trained players please!
Dm me.
X3 multiplier
Pls reply if u want to join with team details
1️⃣ 3x Bonus
2️⃣ Active mostly ( if not be active during tournament)
3️⃣ Training bonus at 40% everyday
4️⃣ Minimum team % 100-115
5️⃣ Must have atleast 2 PT
6️⃣ Active at Asso Discord**
**Right now we are at DIAMOND**
Last edited by Ayyan fc; 08-06-2023 at 07:46 PM.
Fantasy premier league for those interested.
Join our league here
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Platinum asso looking for a new member!
Be 100% with some trained players,we expect you to share bonuses and watch some matches
DM me if interested
Look for Diamonds or Unlimited Guilds --- Skilled players of Unlimited Guilds.
I would be:
140%-160%, according to need.
I hope to find an association that can understand what I'm saying and also stay focused, we can try to hit the TOP100 together
Last edited by wind; 12-05-2023 at 05:41 AM.
Platinum Association looking for one manager. Must be at least 3x multp, 5 stars (the higher the better), 32% training at all time (40% are preferable). Willing to be active during tournament days
If interested, join enter this tag #ZJKAX2