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Yeah, we do discuss about tactics and help each other to build good team. We took over a dying association 8 months ago when it was in silver division, worked together as a team, got promoted each season and managed to stay in platinum for many seasons. But One of our member, heavensaaa, has stopped playing all of a sudden and another member also decided to take break. They were such a good manager and friend. We will miss them but we have to move on.
123%, i'm looking for a new asociation
So a couple of seasons ago we made a new asso called: The actives
The goal was to have 6 active people in the asso that have fun together, watches some games for each other and climb the asso ladder fast, last season we were with 6, but two of our members stopped playing so now we are looking for 2 new members.
ATM we are in Gold 3 (we promoted every season since the creation of the asso and NEVER even finished 4th). We are going to get promoted to gold 2 if we have a decent season (we need like 200 points, which isn't a lot)! We are looking for someone who is ACTIVE & has a decent team (pref at least 80+ for the start of the season).
Anyone is welcome: The Actives - GICI10
Hi !
We are looking for a player with social and manager skills to our association. At the moment we are players from Sweden, Belgium & Macedonia sharing the will to stay in platinum status(we are Platinum now).
So, if you have at least 100% strength and have good 18-19 years players and want to be active/givning bonus and openminded please feel free to join us.
By the way, we have also a Whats app group to chit-chat in. So you should be able to chat in english ;-)
The name is ”Växjö friends”, #NRQYVZ
I had joined your association but seems like you want 6+ star quality always. It's okay, I will find someone else who wants a dedicated teammate.
Last edited by DarylHanzo; 07-19-2020 at 12:00 PM. Reason: Kicked from association
Hey, I am a very dedicated player. Won 3 trophies last season and I always maintain 40% training bonus, 5.5 to 6 stars team and give bonus to association members. I have requested to join, kindly accept.
I had responded to someone else earlier but he wanted 6+ stars. I may not be above 6 stars but I am at least 5.5 always and I make up for it with tactics and being active.
#AA9YT9 is the code. we need a 6th member. All dedicated managers, already reached platinum level even at the start of the season