Hi Tactician The home games for Top Eleven Fanatics is 6pm UK time
I am in a dilemma.
My team is currently in an association (unexpectedly forced joined this season as a past request from last season remained pending, and the captain accepted me without letting me know after one of their members left). I do not know much about the association. They were in Platinum last season but got relegated to Gold 1. Their home match time is set around 8 pm UK.
On the other side, I have some options like your association for example, who are currently in the Platinum Division.
My local time is UTC +4 (UK +3 or +4, depending on DST)
My priority is to be in an active and ambitious association as said in the first post. I already invested a lot to rebuild my squad since I came back last season. I am also looking into learning new things.
So, what do I do? I can stay there 1 season to see how it is, and also, I can help them to promote back to Platinum Division. Or, I can leave them and join yours but I do not want to upset people too.
Dilemma... dilemma... .
Last edited by Tactician; 09-17-2019 at 06:51 AM.
Below is my current squad. It is still on a rebuilding process, but like I said I expect it to be in the 90%-110% soon. But do not get me wrong though; I do not expect my association mates to have such quality. In fact, it might be better to have some variety. What is important is availability, activity and will to succeed.
Last edited by Tactician; 09-17-2019 at 05:39 PM.
Hi Tactician I know I'm biased but I think at Top Eleven Fanatics we are all very into enjoying and winning I've known 2 of the players for about 3 years at a different association and then I joined them at this one. We communicate a lot and all of us have bonuses of 40% and train each other every weekend We give tips to each other and just need the 6th person to help us to push on
Hope this helps??
Hi mate would you be intrested in joining a gold division 2 assioction you sound perfect for us to get to the top PM if intrested.😀
He came in for the last week as we'd had someone just stop playing and had to drop we weren't sure if we were going to look for a replacement but he applied so we tried him. His bonuses fluctuate a lot and I just don't think he's really keen to make the best of his team and doesn't really communicate which is one of the more fun parts of Associations
Ok. I need to decide soon as I cannot keep both of you on wait or pending. I spoke to the members of the associations I am currently in too. Both have pros and cons. The cons for your association is that monster team (I don' t know how associations matching goes these days but way back I would worry because 1 or 2 like those can attract high quality and balanced associations where the monster would face a 6.5-7 stars team, and the remaining 6-stars teams would face 6.5-7 star teams too.) Another con is that home time, it is good time for me as such but bad time for my team according to my current fixtures as there are Cup and CL fixtures at 20-21 (17-18 UK time).
Give me some time to tell you about my decision.
Last edited by Tactician; 09-17-2019 at 09:05 PM.