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Thread: Platinum

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2018


    Well established Platinum association looking for new member. 100% or more. Attend all games. 40% bonus evbery week. Train with members every week. Speak English. If you are interested apply #03J5QB The Light Squad

  2. #2
    Elite Tactician's Avatar
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    Jun 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by AlexG2016 View Post
    Well established Platinum association looking for new member. 100% or more. Attend all games. 40% bonus evbery week. Train with members every week. Speak English. If you are interested apply #03J5QB The Light Squad
    Hello. What happened? I woke up today and saw that I was unexpectedly accepted in an association (Animaniacs) that I sent a request to join at the start of the 4th week of last season.

    Did you get my request yesterday? I want to know what happened because there was an association bug just after the start of the this season; users could not search for associations to browse through them or request to join ( ). For sure, I was still without an association since my come back to the game two weeks ago, and I already decided to join you. I even sent my join request twice.

    I do not want to upset anyone, and if you think I fit for your association (and the members in your association want me), I will talk to Animaniacs and join you because they never said to me anything all this time ( ) but I was clearly in talks with you to join yours this season. I was kind of surprised to see my team there today.

    Sorry for any inconvenience.
    Last edited by Tactician; 09-16-2019 at 12:58 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Tactician View Post
    Hello again. What happened? I woke up today and saw that I was unexpectedly accepted in an association that I sent a request to join last season (in the 4th week).

    Did you get my request yesterday? I want to know what happened because there was an association bug just after the start of the this season; users could not search for associations to browse through them or request to join ( ). For sure, I was still without an association since my come back to the game two weeks ago, and I already decided to join you. I even sent my join request twice.

    I do not want to upset anyone, and if you think I fit for your association (and the members in your association want me), I will talk to them (Animaniacs) and join you because they never said to me anything all this time but I was clearly in talks with you to join yours this season. I was kind of surprised to see my team there today.

    Sorry for any inconvenience.
    Mate, you can quit any time the FA and join another one

  4. #4
    Elite Tactician's Avatar
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    Jun 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by maloukees View Post
    Mate, you can quit any time the FA and join another one
    I know, but see what happened. I was already in talks with AlexG, and I waiting for him (or his association) to accept my join request yesterday. Today, to my surprise, I see my team in an association that I applied for about a week ago; completely unexpected as we were not in talks at all. I am serious person and I also do not want to upset people, and if an association really wants me and his association can provide me with what I am looking for I will join, even if I have to leave an unexpectedly joined association.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by AlexG2016 View Post
    Well established Platinum association looking for new member. 100% or more. Attend all games. 40% bonus evbery week. Train with members every week. Speak English. If you are interested apply #03J5QB The Light Squad
    I can join in your association, you can see my team Newcastel United at #AQ5KG0 name of Association is Legend. Marco, your new member was playing but we missed for second time to go platinium for few points /5-7/. The captain and one more member are not active, under 40% team bonus and not attending to live games ... lazy asso wich i wont to change

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2018
    Join in Georgi. #03J5QB if you don't want the spot, let me know

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2019
    Slt Le tacticien, Rojiblanca Capital #A4N72A t'acceuille les bras ouvert. Nous sommes une association active et j'apprécie beaucoup ton profile et ta façon de voir les choses. J'aimerai d'ailleurs que tu sois également vice capitaine de notre association. Nous sommes en Gold1.

  8. #8
    Elite Tactician's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Siir cuts View Post
    Slt Le tacticien, Rojiblanca Capital #A4N72A t'acceuille les bras ouvert. Nous sommes une association active et j'apprécie beaucoup ton profile et ta façon de voir les choses. J'aimerai d'ailleurs que tu sois également vice capitaine de notre association. Nous sommes en Gold1.
    Je suis déjà dans une association. J'avais envoyé une demande à Animaniacs la saison derniere au cas ou ils on pas pu avoir le dernier membre. Merci quand meme.
    Essaye la section Francais du forum ( ) et aussi sur les groups facebook pour Top Eleven.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by AlexG2016 View Post
    Join in Georgi. #03J5QB if you don't want the spot, let me know
    request send