oh cmon... Im already teach you about this game.... dont make me shame
smart idea
yes yes
demonstrate with burning car tire
teach to see match in 2 Am or 1 Am midnight ??
wow so awesome, i prefer take a sleep if you teach about that
my team as same as your team last season "galau" (i can't translate galau in english) wkwkwkwk
Actually we don't wanna make you shame.. but what we need is a change, to make the game better and better... we knew is just a game, and we are just want have fun with it.. but if we can't watch all the match, how can we have fun with that?
Yeah c'mon mate we start to demonstrate in our Goverment building...![]()
every asians pissed at the unreasonable match times, and we have a good reason why. many other players DONT experience a 4 match a day phenomenon, then an empty day in between. then rinse and repeat. i just change match times for funsies in hopes of people ranting on the forums, then i smack dem whipper snappers rant like a big booty nitch
i forgot when i said we shouldnt rant at nordeus, but after seeing this 'progress' im breaking those words. going against me words is a big no no in me big book o honor
yeah im pissed, probably near my cap before i explode in a sea of ivory colored powder. for all you know it could be just sugar, spice, and everything nice, for the LOLsies of course ;D
take my posts with a sack of salt
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kudos to cat
My times are all over the place but its only maybe once a season I get the weird three or four game day. I do wish there was a way to at least set a preferred window of times for home games. It is silly to have them when you are sleeping.
Expressed above is my own opinion. ☻ Your results may vary.
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