As attached above, topjoy got error not awarding me the Hyundai fans park (8token) and Plundernaugt (6 token) for completing the task, i file in complaint with print screen as prove. and tapjoy reply me saying that they will claim me both, however very disappointing one is it doesn't top up in my top eleven! Please help me check, dont make me complete the task and get nothing!\
The attached file below are the prove i download and pay plundernaught until level 2(the instruction is download and run, and i did more than that!), another one is me pin and write on hyundai fans park and i even try to promote TOP ELEVEN putting both words capital letter there. but sadly tayjoy didn't award me, and i show the prove, they email me to confirm that they already send me the token, however this time Top Eleven didn't top up for me.
Please help! Every token counts and I already did more than that to earn those 14 tokens!
P/S: my emai is and my Top Eleven Id is Real United