Hmm... did the matches show in Friends' Fixtures? That's where I usually look. I have never noticed this "My and My Friends'" thing but I never look at Cup so don't know if it is new or not.
I had to go back far to find any of my Cup matches, but I compared that to Friends' Fixtures, the ones that will show in the My and My Friends' are in the same Cup as you.
What word is the problem?
Last edited by Cat Harrison; 07-25-2015 at 09:07 AM. Reason: looked at mine to see
Expressed above is my own opinion. ☻ Your results may vary.
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Last edited by Gert Funck; 07-25-2015 at 09:10 AM.
Groundhog Day visiting level - 58 -
considering quitting, since nothing is improved for veterans ... nothingand pay to win has become to dominante
FireCats is testing level - 36 -
Fixtures for friends on the same server is shown in the fixtures section, but not in the Cup competition section as shown above.
The label itself (rather than word; I have corrected the title) may be a mistake if friends' fixtures are not meant to appear anymore in this section. But, it seems that there may be bug as Gert Funk's list have his friends' fixtures.
Last edited by Tactician; 07-25-2015 at 09:27 AM.
The only ones listed in the Cup section are ones that are in the exact same Cup competition.
Expressed above is my own opinion. ☻ Your results may vary.
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