We need technical support from nordeus
It would be good some time, a developer, technician, specialist or what, from nordeus, to explain some things and we could have the possibility to ask some more like
Is there any (and what) requirements for t11 2015, for the mobiles ?
What about an old mobile ? Does the app needs 2-4 or 8 core to play smoothly ?
Why in some specific actions like a sub, watch a game of a friend, in a bidding there is a problem ?
Is it the connection or the mobile cpu and how much % ?
Is there a specific android version (we need to update) to play the game better ?
What about windows phones ?
Is the new version cost more battery energy and how much ?
As for pc, what is the best browser we must use to get better performance ?
Is there a flash player problem ? Can we do something about it ?
Are those (many) fb friends we may have, cause a lag or a problem to load the game ?
In every pc game, we can see what are the requirements the game needs. Also we can read some reviews about the proper hardware we must have. I suppose we demand something also for t11 too.