I realized recently that my asso was not credited with the correct "highest number of pts" (they indicated 1172 pts but I knew it was higher than that since we missed promotion in Gold 1 for 4 pts two seasons ago - hard to forget that !). This is not a big deal but I decided to have a closer look to that when I knew we were going to beat this mark. Before last season's tourney, we already had 1222 pts. Then, we won the final with 99pts in total, which would make 1321 pts. If we remove 20% to that, we should be starting this season with 1057 pt. To my surprise, the record we are credited with is now 1261 ptsBut, worse: we have now 1049 pts in total, which comes from nowhere. 8 pts does not seem to be a lot, unless you remember what I wrote above. Again, like always with Nordeus: mistakes go in the same direction!