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  Click here to go to the first staff post in this thread.   Thread: Reconnect / Connect on mobile Apps (iOS and Android)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Angry Reconnect / Connect on mobile Apps (iOS and Android)

    I have T11 installed (newest Version) on my iPhone and my Android Tablet + Blackberry Mobile.
    Wlan and HSPA/3G on all devices in different usage.

    On all 3 devices i face same Problem.

    Game looses connection, trying to reconnect and recieving an error:
    Cannot connect to server, please try later again or contact support.

    Therefor i have to close the app (android kill by clicking square and then swipe the app to close, iOS double click on button and swipe to close app), and restart top11. Then it connects normally.
    This happens also during live games.

    Anyone else has this problem?

  2. #2
    Rookie crisgr's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    I had that problem, too. I was trying to connect for my game who was about to start.
    I closed the app. I tried to connect and it connected!
    The game was supposed to have started a minute ago. But it was already over! And all friends' games at that time.
    At least I won 2-0...

  3.   Click here to go to the next staff post in this thread.   #3
    Administrator SausyFC's Avatar
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    Sep 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Markus Tröszter View Post
    I have T11 installed (newest Version) on my iPhone and my Android Tablet + Blackberry Mobile.
    Wlan and HSPA/3G on all devices in different usage.

    On all 3 devices i face same Problem.

    Game looses connection, trying to reconnect and recieving an error:
    Cannot connect to server, please try later again or contact support.

    Therefor i have to close the app (android kill by clicking square and then swipe the app to close, iOS double click on button and swipe to close app), and restart top11. Then it connects normally.
    This happens also during live games.

    Anyone else has this problem?
    Hi Markus,

    Sorry to hear about this. Is it happening on the same screen do you know?

    Also, try giving the apps a reinstall. Let us know if that does the trick.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by SausyFC View Post
    Hi Markus,

    Sorry to hear about this. Is it happening on the same screen do you know?

    Also, try giving the apps a reinstall. Let us know if that does the trick.
    I re-installed it on the iOS and the android tablet, no success so far, still same problem.

  5.   This is the last staff post in this thread.   #5
    Administrator SausyFC's Avatar
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    Sep 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Markus Tröszter View Post
    I re-installed it on the iOS and the android tablet, no success so far, still same problem.
    Hmm, and is it happening on one particular screen? I see you mention during Live Matches as well, but is it by chance occurring in a more or less similar way?

    Trying to get to the bottom of the crashes. Any further info helps.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by SausyFC View Post
    Hmm, and is it happening on one particular screen? I see you mention during Live Matches as well, but is it by chance occurring in a more or less similar way?

    Trying to get to the bottom of the crashes. Any further info helps.
    Step by Step:

    Iam in the "team" screen, editing my team. Then i go to home screen to view my opponent, clicking on the "game preview" button -> then a spinner shows up "reconnecting" and i get the Intro Screen of Top11.
    After this it get stuck with the message i mentioned above. So i have to close the app (square icon, close app by swiping it "away") and restart it by opening app again.

    This also happens during a game, not always but sometimes, most when i just watch the game, then after 3-5 minutes i go to the tactic screen, edit my tactics or bring in some subs, then it reconnects.

    Mostly, until i finished the procedure from above, the game is over....

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Any Update on this?
    Am i the only one facing this problem? Also Support via Tablet is not able to help me.