Open requests
#205544 training regenaration
Submitted 2 days ago
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getting better and better,already passed the 2 day mark,no response,and they wont till monday as i predicted,lovely!and 3 of my players got injured during the game due to lack of condition...thank you NORDEUS for messing up with my game and not giving a crap about it even when contacted!
Nordeus' handling of this bug is going to finally drive me out of this game.
I didn't receive the 5% recovery for almost 48 hours. I filled out a support request and 5 days later received 15 rest packs as compensation. Unfortunately, I used that many rest packs just maintaining my squad while the game was broken.
The bigger issue is that in an ongoing game like T11, I lost 48 hours worth of recovery while all of my opponents did not. That means that my team has essentially been penalized skill points because of a bug in the Nordeus game engine.
Common sense says that anyone who was a victim of the bug would get rest packs equal to the recovery time lost. It's not a tough formula. In 48 hours, a player recovers 16 blocks of 5% recovery. A rest pack equals 15% recovery.
Why Nordeus wouldn't issue rest packs equivalent to the lost recovery multiplied by the number of players on a squad + the 15 rest packs that they issued (ostensnsibly to cover rest packs used to play games with a healthy team) is reflective of the dismissive attitude this company has towards its players.
I am a token buyer. I buy them to be competitive. Allowing my team to maintain that same level of competitiveness vs. the teams I will be matched against the remainder of this season and in future seasons by doing simple math and atoning for a bug seems like a simple thing.
That's what I do daily for my customers. And why my customers value the relationship they have with my company.
The dismissive attitude of Nordeus' "support" is too bad. We have all overlooked and moved past many bugs, crashes and strange Nordeus decisions. Their refusal to own up to inadequacies on their end on this issue is it for me.
If you're on my server, Hit me up in negotiations. I'll finish up this season, but all my players are hitting the market before I get assigned to a new league next season and there will be one more unmanaged team in that league.
I received my rest packs after about 4 days. Was surprised to get them. I didn't have to provide proof, not that I cheated anyhow.
While I lost a couple of matches during this time, Its a game and life sucks..![]()
the same number again - my players are non-refundable! How long will you also pushes game?