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Thread: Train bonuses

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by EastsiderSG View Post
    None taken. I get what you mean. Might want to also let them know on FB. I know The Prof and The Wolf are very active there. Top Eleven Global and Elite i think.
    so if i am not on fb group i cant get answer? Why forum and mods exist at all? Make fb events for fb groups is one thing but if they get any resources extra just bcs they are on facebook is a bit discriminated to others who also play game and spend money on it, not to have connections on fb but for game itself
    minamino likes this.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2018
    tried to get an answer from support, answer i get is sorry we cant answer right now so look on forum or on our FAQ and closed conversation, that is how nordeus respect their consumers

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