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  Click here to go to the first staff post in this thread.   Thread: Video problems - Problemas nos videos

  1. #71
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    When they gonna fix this problem, man, even bounty apps better , at least they put something like refresh ads etc. this developer..... smh

    day by day its getting worse!

  2. #72
    Join Date
    Mar 2021

    Cant watch ads

    So I still can't watch ads properly, now it keeps reconnecting when I try to train my team every day with 2x, what's wrong with this company?

    clever guy behind the desk, hello... ?

    * i need to watch 10 ads for 1 2x training, smh... stability, oh yeah right
    Manuel_81 likes this.

  3. #73
    Join Date
    May 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by WalkingPenguin View Post
    So I still can't watch ads properly, now it keeps reconnecting when I try to train my team every day with 2x, what's wrong with this company?

    clever guy behind the desk, hello... ?

    * i need to watch 10 ads for 1 2x training, smh... stability, oh yeah right

    you're right friend, the videos are very slow, the game restarts

  4. #74
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Well done mods. Move/ merge threads. Make it easier for Nordeus to ignore the problem.

    I too have suffered for months now (again) with adverts that crash/restart the app without paying out a booster, ads that play to a finish but leave me with no x button to escape back to the game.

    There is no point commenting/ complaining here (the forum) because no one has the ability or the will to fix this.

    I'm On Holiday/Game Over for the foreseeable future. No passion, no point.

    It was fun, but not anymore.
    Manuel_81 likes this.

  5. #75
    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    Hey moderators and developers. Your ads aren’t even loading now, after the new month started.

    Your game is getting worse every day.


  6. #76
    Famous EastsiderSG's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2019
    Not sure if you guys do anything or we just need to wait till ads are available. I have been relaunching app very often these days to get 1-2 vids each time and I often don't even get credited.

    Cache cleared, app reinstalled and nothing makes a difference. Something must be wrong on your end as this doesn't happen with other games I watch ads for and moreover restarting app always gives me a vid.

  7. #77
    Join Date
    Dec 2018
    they are aware of it but they dont care or dont know how to fix it (not sure what is worst) tried with in game support but they just close conversation

  8. #78
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by drazen vtc View Post
    they are aware of it but they dont care or dont know how to fix it (not sure what is worst) tried with in game support but they just close conversation
    This shouldn't happen, can you send me the ticket ID via private message please?

    In case you are having any issue with ads, please, always reach the support


  9. #79
    Famous EastsiderSG's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2019
    I resisted talking to support after I read this. Copied from the support known topics.
    It kinda acts like a disclaimer telling us it is expected and if we need booster, we can purchase them.
    I don't blame the players who have conspiracy theories that vids are held back by the company on purpose after reading this.

    From help page known issues-:
    I do not see any video ads to earn boosters
    If you are experiencing one of the following situations:
    Don’t have any video available for day(s);
    Don’t have the same amount of video available as your friends;
    Don’t have the very same amount of videos available for you every single day.
    Please have in mind that these are all expected situations.
    Number of videos available may vary on a daily basis and it can happen sometimes that you don’t have access to any video. We can't guarantee that there will be videos available to you at all times.
    We understand your team demands resources but please note that no Manager is entitled to have videos available. We advise you to keep visiting the app as videos may be available for you some time in the future.
    In addition to option of getting booster packages directly in the Shop, we'd like to remind you that you can get some free currencies as a daily login gift, a gift from your friends, after a match or your FA tournaments. Also, we constantly tend to innovate the game and include diverse live events where rewards include boosters, so besides having fun and various opponents, you can also get great rewards.

  10. #80
    Join Date
    Dec 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by khris View Post
    This shouldn't happen, can you send me the ticket ID via private message please?

    In case you are having any issue with ads, please, always reach the support

    sorry, no ticket number, was contacted support from ingame ? sign, cant even scrol back to make screenshots of "conversation" bcs i started another when season start and fuxtures was messed up, i can give an e-mail for contact that will allow me to send video i maded bcs was too big and not allowed to post on report from ingame

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