View Poll Results: Do You Play the Events?

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    5 62.50%
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  Click here to go to the first staff post in this thread.   Thread: Free Videos Not Loading

  1. #41
    Rookie Jernet's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    I contacted Top Eleven support directly about this problem that has inconvenienced so many managers greatly for several days, and I got this standard reply, even though I clearly stated that the problem had persisted for several days and that it was evident from the forum that many other managers were also affected:

    “We are sorry about the problem you are having with video ads. The number of available videos may change daily. Sometimes you may not have access to any videos. Please continue to visit the game as videos may appear in the future.”

    They might as well have written this:

    “You’re on your own, pal. We don’t care about your problem, even if it affects multiple other managers too and has done that for several days, and we intend to do f*** all to investigate the problem and help you. It’s not you we care about, we just want to squeeze as much money out of you as possible. Have a mediocre day.”
    Last edited by Jernet; 03-15-2024 at 04:05 PM.
    maloukees and Havok like this.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    May 2023
    I think it has to do with accepting the new terms of data security. Who doesn't accept all of them gets no videos.
    Jernet likes this.

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by ElGhulo View Post
    I think it has to do with accepting the new terms of data security. Who doesn't accept all of them gets no videos.
    Nothing to with that..

    I accepted them all....

    And hardly get any videos

  4. #44
    Rookie Jernet's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    I’ve accepted the new T&Cs too, and I still haven’t had any videos since Sun. 10th March.
    I’ve contacted T11 support again re. the missing videos, asking them to not just paste in a standard wait-and-see answer in their reply this time. And guess what I got: The same standard wait-and-see answer again.
    What can we do? I’ve played T11 for more than ten years, and I enjoy the game, but by completely stonewalling me this way, they’ll eventually force me to stop playing when I run out of green rests, because if they treat me with so much disrespect, I won’t buy any boosts from them. I really wanna play, but it’s like Nordeus are deliberately pushing me away.
    Suggestions welcome …

  5. #45
    Rookie Jernet's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    @ElGhulo, you were right after all.

    I had indeed accepted the new T&Cs, but some of them turned out to be set to disallow partner content, such as videos. I’d done nothing myself to disallow that, but when I went through my pivacy settings in my T11 app, I found the settings that prevented video ads from working.

    If only T11 support had suggested that instead of just repeatedly sending me useless standard answers, I would have been up and running with videos again in no time, and you folks would not have had to listen to me rant ;-)

    Anyways: problem solved with helpful suggestion from a forum member. Thanks, friend!

    T11 support are probably just chat robots that provide standard replies based on certain words they detect in support tickets … - so there you got another rant from me after all … ;-)
    Last edited by Jernet; 03-18-2024 at 09:34 AM.

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    Thank you !
    Thanks to your message i found the problem
    Now it's ok

    If i need something, i will come here and if i doesn't need something i will come to thé support to get a basic answer lol
    Jernet likes this.

  7. #47
    Join Date
    May 2023
    Yes, I completely agree. Why aren't they just honest and tell us "Please check, if you allow everything in your settings!" This would have helped a lot of managers to go on with their normal modus operandi.

    Instead, they keep lying about it being "absolutely normal". This leads to the question, whether they supporters just don't know it, or if they are deliberately not helping for whatever reason.

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Foreverbx View Post
    Thank you !
    Thanks to your message i found the problem
    Now it's ok

    If i need something, i will come here and if i doesn't need something i will come to thé support to get a basic answer lol
    Where can you find those settings in the game??

  9. #49
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    Option settings
    Privacy settings
    Before last option to activate
    mattv likes this.

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