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  • 1 Post By tarnishedrey

Thread: Error when purchasing at microsoft store

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2024

    Question Error when purchasing at microsoft store

    Hallo manager

    I have 2 microsoft accounts, lets say x and y
    and the case is :
    i want to buy a elite sponsor for my club with my x microsoft account and its succesful but when i buy again on the same club but using the different microsoft account (y account) it will be take to much time and when i restart my game it says "payment pending" what should i do with this?
    Error when purchasing at microsoft store-payment-pending.png

    thank you

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2024

    Error when purchasing at microsoft store

    Hallo everyone i want to talk my problem
    I have 2 microsoft accounts, lets say x microsoft account and y microsoft account
    the case is if i buy item for my club with my x microsoft account it will be succesfull and after i bought with my x microsoft account and try to buy with my y microsoft account it appear to be error, it will be endless loading and when i restart my game and try to buy again it say "pending payment" what should i do with this bug?
    thank you
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