Setelah baca2, baru tau yang beginian:
" You are also able to gift items from the Club Shop. You can send any jersey, emblem or premium emblem you aren’t using to any of your friends. However, you cannot gift any items you have received as a gift (so, for example, your friend won’t be able to further gift the emblem you sent him). Another restriction is that Official emblems and jerseys can only be gifted if you’ve purchased a number tokens during your career equal to or greater than that of the Official Item’s cost. "
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======ARSENAL F.C.======
Victoria Concordia Crescit
ada yg bagi" jersey ato emblem lg kh?
lg pengen nie hehehe
msh cupu gan
bro nanya nih :
to the poin aja nih, sya beli 2 jersey tadi di Club Shop, kok pas mau pake jersey "blue star" tuk jadi home bisa
trus wa coba pake jersey "green star" jadi away, kok ga bisa ya, otomatis kepilih jersey lama ane. dn begitupun sebaliknya
"green star" jadiin home, "blue star" kgk bs jadi away :bingung:
btw ada tips nda supaya TAHU (g asal beli) yg mana jersey Home dan jersey Away.
mohon pencerahannya ^_^ makasi.
Salam T11
Congratulation Arsenal!!
Hope these thread could help you, Formation-Tactic and GUIDE