Where are you from: Rome, Italy.
Your national team: Italy
Club of your heart: A.S. Roma
Why?: i was born in Rome and since i first saw Francesco Totti's love for the team, Roma, Roma's colours, Rome's Olympic stadium and i understood the values of being a football fan and the unique love Roma's fans feel for their team, i felt in love. I'm the "support your local team" kind of supporter and i will forever love my team even if it will fall and fail and even if it will never be one of the strongest teams. I'm forever bound with those colours and i will forever be a wolf. I just cannot understand who supports a team just because it is rich, famous, full of top players and always wins. This is not supporting a team, loving a team is another thing, it is love, like you can love a person.
What was the happiest time with your club?: 2000-2001, AS Roma champion of italy. Uh, and every time i see AS Roma's matches and i see the captain run like a boy and shot at opponent's goalkeeper like it's a CL final. 38 years old, an iron plaque and screws in his broken leg and still raging, tackling, making millimetric long throws and sweating through the field, still making spectacular goals and assists and being essential for his team. I challenge you to find someone else like him (except for Ryan Giggs, he is an eternal legend. Maximum respect for him).