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Thread: Salary Cap

  1. #1
    English Forum Moderator Cat Harrison's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Salary Cap

    Most American and Aussie fans are familiar with the concept of a salary cap, (Salary cap - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) and foreign stars of the MLS bemoan the fact that there is one...

    I think all Leagues should have a salary cap, it makes it better competition by making it possible for poorer teams to compete. (There are of course still teams that are constantly hitting that cap and finding creative contract solutions to get around it)

    But I wonder what you all think, would it be better if the Premier League or the Bundesliga had a salary cap?
    Or will the relatively new UEFA solvency rules help level competition?
    Expressed above is my own opinion. Your results may vary.
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  2. #2
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Aha, is what I think, and if you take a look to the Spanish league, it have a debt of 2000 Milions of euros, so here the reason of the CL's that teams from Spain won these years. I love German League because you can not be in 1st division if you have a debt, and I am wondering if.. never was allowed to have these debts and high salaries... in what Club would be playing Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo now?...

    I've always said that is not fair to see all european leagues but spain, with a limit in the debt... and with different situations in this sense in all countries... look at Glasgow Rangers that for a 40M of debt was relegated to the 4th division... and look now Barcelona and Madrid have 600M of debt... just imagine all countries with the same rules, and with a salary crap.... maybe (and is my opinion) now we can say that some football clubs can buy the trophies in some sense, more easily, and with some limits, maybe, trophies will be owned in more sense, with the heart of the players that belong to one club.

    How beautiful songs that :3

  3. #3
    Greek Forum Moderator nikolgiorgos's Avatar
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    Well, there are many things to say about that

    - maybe it would be better to create a european league. Any way the teams that are competitive the last 20 years aren't more than 20.
    5-6 from ENG, 3-4 from SPA, 1-2 from GER, 3 from ITA, 1-2 from FRA, 1-2 from NED and 2-3 from other countries

    - money talks and I don't mean for Ronaldo or Messi but Balotelli - James Rodriguez and so ...

    - a balance league needs also a country that has many cities with (about) equal population. Here in Greece (11 M') we have Athens, with 5 M' and Salonica with 1,5 M' (were I live) . The next city has 250 K' and cannot afford to have competitive team or facilities.

    in US it's different because there are may big cities that representative each state and have a kind of independent economy.
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  4. #4
    Grand Master PricopGeorgeCătălin's Avatar
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    There are just few players with really huge salaries, I think is ok for now but yea, looking on how things are going sooner or later they will set a salary cap.
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