i need a formation for 10 days as 10 matches left in the league which could give me 7 or 8 wins out of 10 can plzzz anyone suggest some i think im gonna use 3n-5-2v or 4-3n-1-2 any other suggestions>> thnx in advance
i need a formation for 10 days as 10 matches left in the league which could give me 7 or 8 wins out of 10 can plzzz anyone suggest some i think im gonna use 3n-5-2v or 4-3n-1-2 any other suggestions>> thnx in advance
yep, second the 4-4-2
even if you have an injured/suspended first teamer you wont be thrown out of balance/set to an illegal formation. just make sure you have backups and autosubs set just in case
or you could lend your account to a friend you can trust, i did that and he did an awesome job for a week
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4-4-2 should work best, i get lots of yellow cards using 4-5-1.
How does any legal formation, with injuries or red cards, go into an illegal formation.
I thought that the engine substitutes the player until there are no more players to make a legal squad of 14. Until then the formation remains in play.
So, my question is, why is 442 the best play, even though we have absolutely no idea what his strengths, depth or weaknesses are?
one more vote for 4-4-2 flat classic, it is well-balanced formation if you are not present for a long time
Yes. 4-4-2 is the best option without a doubt. By far.
i was inactive for 2 weeks on goonskies with the 4-2-3-1 (i call it 4-5-1 W) and suffered a few injuries and suspensions. when i checked back i found many of my matches had 80-20 against me, and a few positions out of position (i know it doesnt make sense, just bear with me) if i looked under the matchs formation tab even though the formation didnt change. my team was doing something shady when i wasnt around
then on rags to riches for over a week when i got pissed at all the injuries using a 4-4-2. sure there were players out of position, but at least the formation wasnt messed up
just my little experience
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The inbeatable, indefeated, unvincible duet - Goonskies - Rags to Riches!
kudos to cat
I suggest you 4-4-2 Classic![]()