Hello guys.
I am a level 3 player.
My team has 33 quality. My rival has 21.
He plays 4-1-4-1.
The problem is:
He won many games against better teams. He won My real life brother at his home (quality 31 and second place in the league) and my brother used 4-2-2-2 hexagon....He is in 4 position, lefting behind many better teams. In 8 matches he lost just one, when he coulnt assit the match.
FIRST: HE HAS A OUTSTANDING ST, five stars and about to get the sixty. He is very good. This little guy score 1 goal, and he win the matches 1-0.
I guess that he is using defensive mentality, atacking down both flanks and counter-attack on with long passes.
I was thinking in use: 3W-5-2 V style., with red arrows in my DR and DL, AMR and AML, whole pitch pressure, mixed pass, and atacking mentality....but maybe he is awaintig it.
Maybe I would use 3N-1-4-2, with red arrowns in my MR and ML, with same orders above...and yet can use 3n 5 2 V style.
What you guys think about face a guy like that?