Amazin.. Thank you sooo much
Amazin.. Thank you sooo much
hi . i am at level 12 . that the high skill is 79 .but i have 7 scout ! i chech topeleven everyday . i train them and ... !
but i can't achieve success !
i play 3-2(W)-3-2
i will upload a picture of it .
what system should i use ?
i have about 100 token . what player should i buy ? in which posts ?
help me . because i lose every season ! and i am getting upset ! thank u
thank you for your respond .
how about orders ? mental , offside , .... ?
what is you level now ?
New thread in Formations and Tactics - "Best formations to counter 5-2-2(AML/AMR)-1"
Last edited by Luís Couto; 08-29-2013 at 03:21 PM.
playing against the 4-1-4-1 formation, I've read some of the counter formation tips and from my understanding, typically you want as many midfielders as your opponent but the suggested counter is 3W-4-3 is one short. Noticed a few people suggest the DMC's main value is to counter an opponents AMC, otherwise the DMC is fairly useless. Is this why the 3W-4-3 should be effective against the 4-1-4-1?
Opponent had this formation wid avergae quality 28.1 (3N-4-1-2) and i used this formation as listed in table and my average quality was 31.6 4-1-2-1-2 Narrow Diamond.
but i lost 4-2, can any1 tell wt othr formation i can try...??