Hello everybody,
Tonight I'm facing a strange formation. He is playing with 4 defenders, 2 DMC's, 3 Attacking Midfielders (AMC, AML & AMR) and 1 striker. So, no 'normal' midfielders.
I guess with this formation he is playing long passing, since he hasn't got normal midfielders and playing counter-attack.
My team is a little bit better (69,1 against 66,5). It's a very important game, as we both claiming nr.1 at the moment with equal points, but his goal difference is slightly better. So I need to winIt's a home game, so I should have the advantage.
My first thought were (Aggressive) 4-5-1V style, with Red arrows on all midfielders. But his defence is quite strong and with only 1 striker.. I don't know if it's enough.
What would you play and also would you play along the sides? Normal mentality? Arrows?
Thanks for all your advices.