Hi all, just thought i would start a thread on all TE members preferred formation. New members might share the same formation and could need help tweaking it a bit.
My preferred formation is 4-3n-2w-1..![]()
Hi all, just thought i would start a thread on all TE members preferred formation. New members might share the same formation and could need help tweaking it a bit.
My preferred formation is 4-3n-2w-1..![]()
Not so many achievements:
Team's showcase: The PaceWhores (Lithuanian team)
Season(lvl) League Champions l. Cup 1(1) 1st - Prel. 2(2) 1st 3rd Top 16 3(3) 1st Top 16 Playoffs 4(4) tbc. tbc. Playoffs
4-1-2-1-2 Narrow Diamond : http://prntscr.com/3yaq6u
I will try to beat you with 4-1-2-1-2 Narrow Diamond Formation![]()
If you look through tactical threads often, guess what mine is?
RETIREDLevel 25, Season 25, 18 League Titles, 10 CL Titles, 3 Cup TitlesServer 201, 4-5-1 V-style fan, 0 Tokens bought
BLAUGRANA FC - The road to success...Team Showcase: http://forum.topeleven.com/team-show...wiss-team.html
7x 4x Runner-ups 3x 1x
DING DING DING, Bubba and Mr. Marco are correct!
RETIREDLevel 25, Season 25, 18 League Titles, 10 CL Titles, 3 Cup TitlesServer 201, 4-5-1 V-style fan, 0 Tokens bought
4-2-2-2 Hexagon. I'd like to play 4-2-3-1 but there are not enough AML's and AMR's in the market. :-/
I like to play any variation of V- Style. And i like 3w or 3n -1-4-2 and the dandelion. If i must i change formation during the match, but my best 11 play every formation. I only make changes before a match because of injuries or form.
4-2-3-1 (using MC's) is easily beaten by 3-5V-2. Several of my repeat league opponents use to use the 4-2-3-1, but I taught them a valuable lesson in complacency. XD
My favorites are 4-5V-1 and 4-4D-2 (DMC,ML-MR,AMC) though I hardly use it cause it's harder to build around. Currently my main team has 3-2-2-2-1 B-fly, 4-5V-1, 4-3W-2-1, and 4-2-3-1 (DMC-DMC,AML-AMC-AMR) set as my pre-defined formations.
Manager of Foresters FC and Guide FC. Both teams on server '161'.
Wondering if I took the time to type out that fancy formation? Nah, check out my python script!