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Thread: Lv 13 .. Need Ur Advice so badly

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2015

    Post Lv 13 .. Need Ur Advice so badly

    Hey Guys.
    At first i'm in level 13 and it was all ok until i enter the forums for the first time and there is alot of things i never know or do it in the game

    My Way for play in steps
    1- collect Tokins all the season
    2- Begin the season with buy alot of 5 stars players in every level
    3- play and win and lose until beginnng of the next season
    4- sell those players and buy another 5 stars players
    5- and again and again and agian

    it works and i won alot of trophies but there is no player in my team still for more than season !!

    after i saw the topics i saw that all of have ability to make kind of players 6 and 7 stars and don't have to change all of your team every season !! HOW ?!!

    For now i have 35 tokins and i will still save then until the next season
    what should i so ??
    what kind of players should i have ?
    how can i train them to make long live team ?

    Need Ur Help

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    The key to not changing out players every season is Nordgens! Focus upon the young fast trainers (they'll have higher market value).
    Nordgens usually go on the market 1 to 2 hours after the daily change. The higher their market value, the faster they train. Since they train faster, I invest in green packs to power train them to 6/7 stars. You'll probably only be able to power train one player per season, w/o buying tokens. Best way to get them is by playing a lot of friendlies and upgrading facilities.

    Normally I target strikers, for the power training, since I believe a big skills gap between defense and offense/physical and mental is very benefittal, relative to the other positions. Ex. my current 5 star striker is (41.6, 61.6, 61.6) and scout is (42.8, 62.8, 62.6). Strikers also seem more reliable in regards to having consistent good ratings than the other positions from my experience. Players also seem to get better ratings the longer one invests in them.

    Another key to getting players that last multiple seasons, is by bidding on players whose quality rating ends in "4' or "9". You might be better off focusing on lower numbers like "2" and "7" to lessen the risk of getting into bidding wars with token buyers though. Just be forewarned, just because a player has "5" stars doesn't mean he's better than one with "3". Some players are programmed to get bad ratings and others good ones, and the how well programmed they are is more important than their number of stars, especially at higher levels.
    Last edited by pcmacdaniel; 01-08-2015 at 04:50 AM.
    Brian Dang and t11_fan like this.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by pcmacdaniel View Post
    The key to not changing out players every season is Nordgens! Focus upon the young fast trainers (they'll have higher market value).
    Nordgens usually go on the market 1 to 2 hours after the daily change. The higher their market value, the faster they train. Since they train faster, I invest in green packs to power train them to 6/7 stars. You'll probably only be able to power train one player per season, w/o buying tokens. Best way to get them is by playing a lot of friendlies and upgrading facilities.

    Normally I target strikers, for the power training, since I believe a big skills gap between defense and offense/physical and mental is very benefittal, relative to the other positions. Ex. my current 5 star striker is (41.6, 61.6, 61.6) and scout is (42.8, 62.8, 62.6). Strikers also seem more reliable in regards to having consistent good ratings than the other positions from my experience. Players also seem to get better ratings the longer one invests in them.

    Another key to getting players that last multiple seasons, is by bidding on players whose quality rating ends in "4' or "9". You might be better off focusing on lower numbers like "2" and "7" to lessen the risk of getting into bidding wars with token buyers though. Just be forewarned, just because a player has "5" stars doesn't mean he's better than one with "3". Some players are programmed to get bad ratings and others good ones, and the how well programmed they are is more important than their number of stars, especially at higher levels.
    Nice tutorial,bro...Rate 10*
    pcmacdaniel and El Pistolero like this.

  4. #4
    VIP t11_fan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    I aggre with pcmacdaniel and i wanted to add:
    Some resources-wise strategy is to buy few nordgens for specific positions and for the rest of team older+cheap 5* players. You should buy players that are max. 30 years old, because you will have time to use them and to sell them before they retire.
    Use nordgens for positions like GK, DC or ST. Then train specific skills for them: for GK only def skill, for DC def skill and physical and for ST attack and physical. This way they will be more useful in few seasons. For positions like this mentioned you don't need equal skills, so your trained players will be useful even when they have 4* or 3* for GK
    I usually buy new, cheap mildfielders every season or every 2 seasons, sometimes even 3. That depends of their growth and form. Mildfielders need all similar skills, so good defensive, attacking and physical, but different from position to position (eg. wings need stronger physical, AM's need strong attack etc.)
    Form is quite important and underestimated part of game. If your player is in bad form, change his position, if form doesn't improve, sell him no matter how high quallity he has. Bad form players are completly useless.
    Arrows are useful if you know how to use them. I don't know why some managers use red on ST and blue on DC, for me it doesn't make sense. Strikers are attackers, so they will be in attack with or without arrow. However, if you play 3ST formation, blue arrows on 2ST's (left and right one) are useful when your team is defending, even more if your opponent has 5 mildfielders formation.
    Red arrows are useful for mildfielders and sometimes defensive-minded players to support attack. For example if you are playing against formation without wingers in mildfield, you should focus play through flanks and put red arrows on your ML,MR and fullbacks.
    Use very attacking mentality only when you desperately need goals in last minutes!
    You don't need a lot of tokens to have good team. You just need to know how to buy and when to buy players. Don't join auctions where are too much bidders.
    There are threads and posts about every aspect of this game on forum, search them on google and read them, was useful for me.
    Good Luck
    Last edited by t11_fan; 01-08-2015 at 10:30 AM.
    pcmacdaniel likes this.
    Ex top eleven player

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    buy academy player or nordgen and train them, u will have them stay for 5 stars or higher for at least 4 seasons. I got a player bought when he was 18 years old and he is still 5 stars now at 24 years old but i sold him because i got 2 scouts at his position

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    What orders and arrow do you use for 4-1-2-1-2 wide diamond???

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    what is the meaning of " nordgens " ?
    what should i care about player when i buy him ? hhow can i know he will be developed fast ?
    should i save my skill points or should i make it automatic to be add for my players ?
    should i spent about 15 tokins for an academy player or not ?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    can't say thanks enough for your help but i need more advices

  9. #9
    VIP t11_fan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    @Ahmed You're welcome
    Nordgen = young, expensive, fast growing player.
    Age: 18-20. Average growth: ~5% of skill progress per 1% condition lost. That means when you put player like this on training, with normal intensity he should earn about 45% of skill progress if he loses 9% condition. Hard intensity spends around 2X more condition, but gives 2x more skill progress and higher possibility of getting your player injured. Skill progress per condition rate is always same for certan player. So if you use your player in match or training, he will always have same growth until his quallity changes. Higher quallity players grow slower as well as older players.

    My main team is currently on level 14, so I can tell you that best nordgens for your level are:
    Quallity 80-84, worth more than 40M

    Last season when I was Level 13 as you are now, I have bought Q84 young player for 35M, but he is not nordgen, so nordgens are quite expensive.
    Ex top eleven player

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2015

    thanks for ypur kindly advice i saw alot of topics and i saw alot of your comments
    wish u r fine

    it is normail if player gain one or more skill points per every trainning if make trainnig so hard ?
    i saw in alot of topics that they gain about 5 to 8 skill points

    really sorry for my alot of question

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