10 League Titles
7 League Runners Up
1 Champions League Title
4 Champions League Finalists
1 Cup Title
What orders did you use for the match that you lost against him?
What is your position in the league?
Last edited by Tactician; 07-21-2015 at 12:14 PM.
Defensive, long passing,down the flanks, own half, normal tackling, zonal marking. No offside and counters on. Blue arrow on DMC. Because I had been busy with work and studies, I havent been playing for quite some time. Eventually when I came back (after 2 seasons) we were sitting in 10th with 13 matches left to playnow we currently 7th!!!!
10 League Titles
7 League Runners Up
1 Champions League Title
4 Champions League Finalists
1 Cup Title
i dunno if mine will help though, you need a more offensive formation to make up on agg.
This formation blocks attacks both from the wings and from the middle.
Suppose one of your players sends a long pass to your right winger, he will be marked by 2 players, the DMC and the DL. Two interceptions can be made, one in front of your player and one behind your player. So, even a through ball won't work, because the player from behind will get it. Even if your winger manages to get the ball, he still has at least one player to beat.
So, focus only on flanks and using long passing may not work. It is better to use mixed passing and mixed focus.
If you want to use an alternative formation, try 3-1-4-2 or 4-3-3. 3-1-4-2 may work better than 3-5-2 V-style in this case because the side midfielders are less marked compared to wingers.
3-2-3-1-1 worked because you used mixed passing and the defensive wingers are not marked at all. I'm sure you have used red arrows on the defensive wingers.
The 3 CMs and the AMC hold the opponents CMs and DMCs, preventing them from moving out of their position to go mark someone else, for e.g a defensive winger moving forward. If they move, then space is made available for your CMs and AMC and the mixed passing comes into play.
Last edited by Tactician; 07-21-2015 at 04:04 PM.
10 League Titles
7 League Runners Up
1 Champions League Title
4 Champions League Finalists
1 Cup Title