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The difficult aspect of playing against a 4-4-2 is, its the most difficult tactic to figure out the opponents arrows and orders. With some formations it's obvious where the attack is coming from. For example, a 4-1-2-1-2 Narrow Diamond is passing through the middle, but a 4-1-2-1-2 WD is going down the flanks. With the 4-4-2, the opponent can choose to attack the flanks or the middle, and can change it in match w/o any substitutions.
Now, there are some ways to guess your opponents arrows. For example, check the goal production for his wingers and central midfielders. If the MC's are outproducing his wingers, most likely he has red arrows on the MC"s and is passing through the middle.
Generally speaking, the 4-4-2 is weak in the middle, so a 4-1-2-1-2 ND or 4-3n-1-2 is a viable strategy for countering a 4-4-2. Please note, that its easier to hard counter the 4-4-2 with the narrow formations, if your opponent is attacking the middle, instead of using the MC's as holding mids (blue arrows) and passing down the flanks. But even if your opposition is doing that, you have numerical superiority in the middle and an uncovered AMC.
If he's defending the middle, a 4-3w-3/4-3w-1-2/4-3w-2n-1 are also viable strategies, since you have more firepower on offense than him; basically turning the match into a battle of whose wingers, attacking mids and strikers can score more, and with these formations you have one extra body actively involved in the offense.
3n-4-1-2 is another formation that works well against the 4-4-2.
If you're unsure of a particular strategy you can either mirror the 4-4-2 or use a 4-2-2-2 hexagon. I've been using the hexagon, which is more offense than the 4-4-2, with AML/AMR instead of ML/MR. But my team is strong for my level as well, so player quality advantages are helping me as well.
4-5-1V/4-3n-2w-1 if you have REALLY GOOD AML and AMR is another option. Currently, alot of players have VERY GOOD AML and AMR since the position is OP relative to ST"s currently, so I would definitely recommend considering formations with those players.