I suggest 4-5-1 V (Defensive, low press with defense bonus) or ND (Normal, high press) or even 4-3-2W-1 could work. After the game, please share the stats, I wonder how many cards will your players see. Whenever I play against formations have AM dominance like this, my players see red cards.
You need 4 defenders and 2 DMC mininum. Then in attack I will go through the flanks, maybe AML AMR ST. The place left maybe put an MC or AMC. What's the difference in quality?
Why u do not play without STs and use them as DMC and +1 for a defense of 4? too u can try 5AM's and 1 ST but IMO these formations with 3 defenders only are not so stable... too u can try start playing with all this ppl in attack zone but retract the pressure line by playing defensive... cause u can be too much often pressing too much above...
But test it and then decide^^
Have to know his track record and also his level actually.
I would say high press his backline 3 , pack your midfield and starve him of possession might work.
I have meet a similar guy in association gold 1, his tally points is phenomenal. 350 pts so far. He likely plays attacking, high press, offside trap. I would wonder if most of his opponent play low press, defending and long ball counter. Which makes the ball spent most time among his AMs and played right into his plan.
Last edited by rpg; 03-11-2017 at 01:31 AM.
Won 3-2 last game against him with using 3(N)-1-2-3(W)-1...
But now I should try something "more effective" ... Any ideas?